This is my first question so please be kind. Recently i did my first installation of Ubuntu.(yesterday, ever since i tried to repair it, did not found anything helpfull) I wanted dual boot with windows 10. While installing, i split my free space into 2 partitions 700G and 200G so i can have something there and over there.. so i installed(at least i thought so) linux on 200Gig space. After succesfull instalation i tried to boot windows, but that did not help, its stuck on repairing. I tried every single option but most recently i found command "chkdsk \f \r" that didnt work because my root partition is X: . So i tried "chkdsk C:" nd my kind computer answered something along "filesystem on C: is unknown. Cant proceed" I really need only my data, nothing else matters. Also i tried to update grub. Not helpfull. Thanks for all kinds of answers, I don't know if further information is needed, please be kind. And if there is similar question, i didn't found it. I am trying to help myself at least for 20h straight. Thx for all suggestions.

  • Remove the hard drive and Use a usb to hard drive adapter to get to your data using another PC
    – Moab
    Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 14:54
  • If you boot an Ubuntu Live Disc, you should be able to access all the hard disc partitions and copy off any data you need to a USB drive. If it's not already installed, you should be able to install and run boot-repair (install from .deb).
    – AFH
    Commented Dec 14, 2018 at 14:56

1 Answer 1


This is an answer for UEFI installed Windows (which is most Windows 10 pre-installed machines).

Boot using Windows 10 USB installer.  At the first screen, type Shift+F10 to get to command line.  Type the following commands:

diskpart [enter]

list disk [enter]

select disk # [enter]   (Replace # with the disk number where Windows is installed.)

list volume [enter]

select volume # [enter] (where # is one in list that says EFI.)

assign letter=a  [enter] 

select volume # [enter] (where # is where Windows is installed.)

assign letter=W [enter]

exit [enter]

chkdsk /f w: [enter]

chkdsk /f a: [enter]


bcdboot W:\windows /s a: /f UEFI

When done, reboot the machine.

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