
Not long ago i clean installed windows 7 on ,y laptop. I then installed Antergos for dual-booting. Then windows chould not boot so i used boot-repair to fix it. When i now go in to grub to boot windows 7, I usualy get a blue/purple screen full of horizontal lines and it gets stuck there. But some times, when have not tried in a while, it randomly boots in to windows when i select it in grub (Antergos boots just fine btw).

Does anybody have a solution?

1 Answer 1


You can:

  1. Create Windows Repair/Installation DVD/USB.

  2. Repair Windows 7 booting using media from step 1.

  3. Reinstall GRUB from DVD/USB.

If you need further help for any step I could supply links and/or explanations.

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