I installed windows 7 then arch in virtualbox. When I finished arch installation, windows 7 did not show in grub.

So I thought maybe the boot file of windows are corrupted/missing. I ran the windows 7 iso and repaired mbr and boot files using windows prompt.

At this point, I was able to boot on Windows but not on arch (grub did not appear when booting, directly windows boot).

So I booted on ubuntu live and did a boot-repair, but it did not work.

Then I booted on arch live, arch-chrooted in my arch install and re-installed grub, and mkconfig.

And now I'm back where I was in the first place : I can access to arch grub but cannot chose windows.


1 Answer 1


Ubuntu OS prober found windows. But I couldnt update from there cause of a strange error :

failed to get-canonical path of /cow

So I used that method : https://askubuntu.com/a/629733 which seems to work for my issue. Just be careful with the custom grub entry parameters and read the doc if you want to fix a similar issue the same way.

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