How do I create a ffmpeg .bat file that will let me drop in .mp4 file(s) and extract multiple .aac tracks without any converting or transcoding taking place ? I do know that there will always be 3 .aac tracks.

I have tried using:

ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -c copy -map 0:a:0 Output.aac

But that extracts only the first audio stream.

Ideally i would like to be able:


-drop videoname.mp4 onto bat

-outputs videonameaudio1.aac, videonameaudio2.aac, videonameaudio3.aac

thanks in advance :)

1 Answer 1


The command will be

ffmpeg -i videoname.mp4 -c copy -map 0:a:0 videonameaudio1.aac -c copy -map 0:a:1 videonameaudio2.aac -c copy -map 0:a:2 videonameaudio3.aac

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