The goal:

Be able to run my rsync backup on my local machine "X" (Ubuntu 13.1) to a remote machine, a currently un-networked mac "Y" (OSX 10.2.8).

What I've done so far:

  1. Flew to the old mac

  2. Connected to the internet (wired to router)

  3. Turned off firewall for remote login for ssh

  4. Established port #

  5. Set static IP 192.YYY.Y.Y

  6. Reanmed machine "Y"

  7. Connected local machine "X" to wifi

  8. Connection test in linux terminal on "X":

    ping Y.local ping: unknown host Y.local ping 192.YYY.Y.Y From 66.xx.xx.xx icmp_seq=1 Time to live exceeded

What I need help with:

I would like to be able to first ssh into this old machine, then rsync into it. I have the rsync part under control, its just this network issue I'm having difficulty troubleshooting.

  • Did you really use 198.X.X.X as a static IP for your MAC? If so, then that's the whole problem: the static IP you assign to pcs inside a LAN should belong to the local LAN. In most cases, if you have not tampered with network settings, they are of the type 192.168.0.X, or 192.168.1.X, which are private non-routable addresses, while all addresses of the type are public routable addresses. Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 6:59

1 Answer 1

  1. On Machine Y, you need to enable AFP and SSH (file sharing and remote login, under the "Sharing" tab)

  2. for best options, you need to create a public key on X, and then copy it into the 'known_hosts' file on Machine Y.

to create the key on Mac: https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/getting-started/ssh-keys/generating-an-ssh-key-manually/manually-generating-your-ssh-key-in-mac-os-x

this probably works on your linux box as well..

Then, copy that key INTO the .ssh/known_hosts file on the Mac

This will allow you to directly log in the Mac from your linux box, without requiring a username/password every time (the public key acts as your password)

Also, make sure you're doing the IP address properly..

ping 192.YY.YY.YYY

it should reply.

next try: ssh [email protected] ('username' is one of the usernames on Y) it should return iwth a password request...

once you're in, then VIM the .ssh/known_hosts file, and paste your public key into the end of it, then save ( to save, type ":wq")

at this point you should be able to 'exit', then when you 'ssh' into it again, it should not require a password...

after you've got this working, your rsync issue should be just fine...

  • @frank_ankersly your solution worked perfectly, thanks. The problem was that I failed to enable AFP and SSH. I skipped the keygen step for troubleshooting, but I'll use it when before I start automating rsync. Commented Dec 23, 2015 at 8:06
  • The thing I always forget, after creating an ssh account to ssh or rsync into, and remote login, and do the rsa keys, and all that, when I think it should work, things don't. Ans. Create a .bashrc and .bash_profile, without them, ssh commands are lost. See a comment I made about these files some time ago on this site for clues as to their (~/.bashrc & ~/.bash_profile) construction. Commented Jul 14, 2016 at 1:48

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