I have checked File > Info menu in MSWord 2010. There is not such thing as current doc location in the properties.

This completely describes my problem, including what I have already tried. Something is wrong with SO quality standards. They are formal and do not let to ask brief and clear questions.

  • Uhm, what? And welcome to Super User not Stack Overflow, that place is way to spammy.
    – Hennes
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 7:40
  • Also to SU, we like nice and clear question. Best guess atm is that you are trying to find the on-disk file location for a word file which you already opened. Which is easy. Close word. locate it (or search in windows) or dozens of other solutions. Or first save it in a known place so you know you can find it back.
    – Hennes
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 7:47
  • What is locate? Is MSWord really so bad in telling me the opened file location that the easiest way to know it to search through the whole disk or memorize the address on a sheet of paper? Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 8:02
  • Locate is the command you would use on OSX, a BSD ro a linux. It stores file locations in a database. Windows search (with indexing) the the windows variant of this. (You did not specify if you used word on OSX or word on windows, so I added both search options).
    – Hennes
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 8:04
  • The location is in the "info" of the "File" tab, under the "Related documents", there is a "open file location" icon; when you hover the mouse pointer over the icon a tooltip with the location of the current file shows up.
    – K. Rmth
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 8:08

2 Answers 2


MSWord does not display file location when doc is repaired. Just close the doc and open it again. The file path will be available in the File > Info.

  • 2
    You're question doesn't say anything about the file being repaired.
    – fixer1234
    Commented Dec 17, 2015 at 2:43
  • @fixer1234 My question does not tell about other 100500 mln properties of my document. Commented Feb 7, 2016 at 13:32

UPDATE 2024 for Mac

On macOS, you can quickly find the opened file location on your machine by navigating to "File > Properties" in Microsoft Word's upper menu:

enter image description here

In the opened dialog window, the required information will be available on the "General" tab:

enter image description here

The above screenshots were made using the latest (at the time of writing this) version of Microsoft® Word for Mac - 16.85.2.

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