I am working on a Macbook, and I am working on word 16.57. I added some page numbers at the bottom right of the pages, but the numbers show way too high up in the page. It is the first time I see it placing the numbers that far up, and I have been unable to set them back to default. I can manually select the number and change its location, but I just want the placing it had before.

Thanks for your help.


1 Answer 1


I would suggest you use a new Word Normal.dotm to have a check.

  1. First close Word.

  2. In Finder please hold the Option key while you open the Go menu.

  3. Look in ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Templates, find the Normal.dotm, then move it to other location as a backup.

  4. Then open Word to check. This file will be automatically generated when Word is reopened.

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