Here is my setup:

  1. My .vim directory is under source control with git
  2. I use Pathogen for managing my plugins
  3. My SnipMate plugin is a git submodule under .vim/bundle/snipmate

This means I can't really edit the snippets in .vim/bundle/snipmate/snippets because they are not tracked. I have discovered that I can define my own custom snippets in .vim/snippets, or create a new directory .vim/bundle/snipmate-custom/snippets/ and define them there.

This works beautifully on linux. For example I can have the original file html.snippets in .vim/bundle/snipmate/snippets and my own html.snippets in .vim/snippets/ and vim will use both files.

On Windows I have noticed that creating another snippets directory (either in .vim/snippets/ or in .vim/bundle/snipmate-custom/snippets/ breaks the plugin. The tab completion no longer works - it ignores both the original snippets that came with the plugin, and the ones in the new repository.

Any idea why this is happening?

I'm running Vista, and I my vim config is in %USERPROFILE%\.vim. I have vimfiles folder symlinked to that directory using:

mklink /d vimfiles .vim

Every other plugin works. Shipmate works perfectly provided the .vim/snippets directory does not exist. The above setup works fine on Ubuntu and on Mac. Any idea why it breaks on Windows?


I might have answered my own question. I managed to work around this problem by explicitly telling snipmate which directories to use:

   if has('win32')
      let g:snippets_dir="c:/Users/me/.vim/bundle/snipmate/snippets/,

Not the most elegant solution, but it works. Let me know if you figure out a better way to do this.

1 Answer 1


I have answered my own question. I managed to work around this problem by explicitly telling snipmate which directories to use:

   if has('win32')
      let g:snippets_dir="c:/Users/me/.vim/bundle/snipmate/snippets/,

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