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Questions tagged [vim-plugins]

Package of files providing add-on functionality to the Vi IMproved (VIM) Editor.

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Plugins doesn't work after installation in ubuntu

I have followed the Installing plugins in the book Mastering Vim. But it doesn't work when I try it. What can I do? Here is what I have done. I only show what I believe is important: " See page ...
Retufom's user avatar
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YCM on windows vim can't find python

I would like to be able to use YouCompleteMe plugin on vim (on windows). I have installed vundle, and followed the installation guide for YCM on Windows. When I run :PluginInstall I see: Traceback (...
leo's user avatar
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Spawning language server with cmd: `lua-language-server`

I've recently transferred from Packer plugin manager to Lazy. Utilizing LSP, LspConfig, Mason, MasonLspConfig with several language servers for programming. The problem is that Neovim is having ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 answers

undefined global 'vim' in lua-language-server - coc.nvim

This snippet gives a warning: local api = vim.api #Undefined global 'vim' my CocConfig: ` "languageserver": { "lua": { "command": "/home/manas/.config/...
Manas Prakash's user avatar
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TagList vim plugin is not working

I have issues in using taglist. For example if I TlistOpen, it shows an error E117: Unknown function: taglist#Tlist_Window_Toggle I am using a Ubuntu18.04 , with vimrc looks like as follows; test@test-...
Franc's user avatar
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lightline plugin doesn't load on new vim instance

I've trying to do this for a while and it just doesn't want to work. It installs the plugin, it shows the plugin, but upon opening a new Vim instance it just doesn't load the plugin. I think it might ...
ekaeo's user avatar
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How do I resolve a keybinding conflict with coc for vim?

Just as a preface, I'm not a programmer, but I've written a bit of shell to automate things. This is on MacOS Mojave, but it shouldn't make too big of a difference since neovim's configs should carry ...
wildwestrom's user avatar
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ALE not working despite passing correct flags to the enabled linters

I'm using VIM to program in C11. I'm trying to setup ALE but it seems that the linters can't find the headers, despite the correct flags are passed, such as -I /path/to/include. I'm using CMake, so ...
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How do I set the alternate search path for a.vim?

I recently found out about a.vim which I can see can bring a lot of benefit to developing source code in C or C++. Now, for one of my current projects it works just fine out of the box but for the ...
stdcerr's user avatar
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My Esc+<left arrow> deletes 3 lines in vim

I am somewhat confused as what can be the cause of it. I disabled everythin in vim (replaced .vimrc with a blank file) and still, when I press Esc+left, I delete the 3 lines above my cursor, and with ...
cduguet's user avatar
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Graphical modification for vim panes

I use vim in a tiling window manager, i3-gaps. I have some aesthetic configuration settings, which do things like alter the opacity of unfocussed windows, change the gaps between windows, and so on. ...
preferred_anon's user avatar
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Mapping snippets for Vim

I'm struggling with setting up some mappings for Vim. I want to have a mapping to insert a line of text. I've achieved this: nnoremap åfox oThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog<Esc>]<...
Max's user avatar
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Can I open a split build window in gvim 8.1 that shows the build output live while I can continue looking at code?

I like using gvim but I think its kind of time consuming to have to always watch the build process complete until I can continue editing. I'd like to just hit a key and have a bottom split open up ...
user2741831's user avatar
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How to make Vim play nice with Python 3.7 on Windows

I want to use Gvim 8.1 with some plugins, but some of those mostly require Python 3.7 Fine, I found one Gvim installation ( that was compiled with Python 3....
yarun can's user avatar
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Fix for a broken Vim/Syntastic/Vundle?

[Vim 8.1 - Syntastic 3.9.0 - Vundle 0.5 on Arch linux] This morning I started getting error: syntastic: warning: checker vim/vint: unrecognized error format (crashed checker?) The message ...
Cbhihe's user avatar
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