When I record screencasts on my laptop with USB headphones, the audio increasingly lags behind the video.

However when I record with my built-in laptop microphone, there is no lag.

I have tried recording with both Camtasia as well as Hypercam 2, each give the same results.

I have tried 3 different USB headphones, each give the same results. All USB headphones are made by Plantronics.

I unfortunately have no microphone audio jack on my laptop (only a headphone jack) so cannot test non-USB headphones.

I also downloaded the 32-bit version of Hypercam instead of the 64-bit version, with same results.

My laptop is:

  • Dell Latitude E6420
  • Windows 7, 64-bit
  • Intel Core i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz
  • 8 GB

What could be causing this lag to occur when recording with USB headphones and how do I fix it?

1 Answer 1


I figured out a workaround for this:

When I record the video in a Windows XP (32-bit) virtual machine running on the above Windows 7, 64-bit machine, using the same USB headphones plugged into the Windows XP's virtual USB port, there is no lag.

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