I want to convert an ass type subtitle track into a dvd_subtitle type track.

I know I can't simply ask ffmpeg to convert it with -c:s dvd_subtitle, but there must be another simple way, since video players such as vlc trivially convert text subtitles to images to display it on the video.

Furthermore, even though ffmpeg says it cannot perform such a conversion, I find it hard to believe that it could burn text subtitles into a video track, but not simply convert a text subtitle track into an image subtitle track.

So how do I do this? Is there another program that could perform this task?

2 Answers 2


Subtitleedit can convert 'text' subtitles to 'image' subtitles. In other, 'ass' to 'vobsub'. 'Vobsub' is composed of 2 files: '.idx' and '.sub':

SubtitleEdit.exe /convert sub.ass vobsub

ffmpeg supports these files and you can easily get the 'dvdsub' format.

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -i sub.idx -map 0 -map 1 -c copy -c:s dvdsub -f mp4 out.mp4

This application is accessible in CLI or GUI. GUI has many more options.

  • There wouldn't happen to be a Linux version of SubtitleEdit, would there?
    – nc404
    Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 3:17
  • @nc404 Your OS was not specified. But the sources for SubtitleEdit are provided.
    – Alain1A45
    Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 6:38

srt2vobsub is a command-line tool for linux or other Unix-like systems that generates a pair of .idx/.sub vobsub subtitle files from a textual subtitles file. Be aware of dependencies (software requirements) and carefully read the description and usage. Then use ffmpeg as described by Alain 1A45.

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