I plan to encrypt home directory with ecryptfs-migrate-home. I have btrfs system and I use timeshift backup to create snapshots.

I would like to know how btrfs snapshots work on encrypted home directory. Snapshots are located outside of the home directory, on the same btrfs partition in directory /run/timeshift/backup/@home directory. Are the snapshots still encrypted? Will the contents of the snapshot show normal filenames or encrypted?

1 Answer 1


I did some experiments so I have an answer. After home directory encryption is run, a new directory within /home is created and it contains ensrypted files of a user. That directory is then backed up as snapshot. You can therefore restore encrypted user directory from snapshot, but you cannot browse files in snapshot, because they are encrypted.

  • That's interesting. How is it going so far, after couple years? Is it safe to use file level encryption with Btrfs? Commented Apr 17, 2023 at 15:35

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