I have a Dell Inspiron 15 3567 (laptop) running Windows 10. It has a touchpad. Everything was fine until I formatted (reinstalled windows on) it. After that, I rebooted first time and was surprised to see that simply tapping on touchpad does right-click. Clicking on touchpad also do Right-Click. Left button on touchpad also do right-click, BUT Right button on touchpad does left-click? Why is the action inverted, and how do I fix it?
What I have tried (None of those worked):

  • Installing Drivers for touchpad.
  • Uninstalling and re-installing touchpad driver.
  • Rebooting the PC, trying out from another user.
  • Checking online for solutions.

And What I haven't tried:

  • Connecting external mouse.
  • Checking in another OS (live boot).

And because its a touchpad, it is really hard to control such device, Can anybody help me?

1 Answer 1


You need to change a setting in Windows:

  1. Open Settings ( win + I )
  2. Devices --> Mouse
  3. Open Additional Mouse settings
  4. Here, toggle from Left-Handed to Right-handed.

  • Thank You VERY VERY much! It worked 100%!
    – Head
    Commented Nov 5, 2021 at 10:20

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