I backed up some directories in an USB flash drive with Borg. Right now it only asks me for my passphrase if want to e.g. list the backups.

Will I need the key to extract the backup in a different computer?

1 Answer 1


It depends on how you have initialized your backup repository. If you used "repokey" or "repokey-blake2" as encryption mode, the keyfile will be stored inside the repository and you will only need the passphrase to extract the backup. However, if you used "keyfile" or "keyfile-blake2" you have to provide the keyfile to borg, too.

If you do not remember which encryption mode you have used, you can check using borg info:

borg info /path/to/repo
  • 1
    If using borgmatic, borgmatic info also works.
    – Steve V.
    Commented Oct 1, 2022 at 3:44

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