Please forgive me, I'm a shell noob. I need to rename a lot of directories, and would usually use a GUI utility for this, but my server access is via SMB over two VPN's, there are tens of thousands of files, and trying the GUI utility on a tiny subfolder was taking hours... So I'm using SSH, since it's many orders of magnitude faster.

I'm CD'ing to a directory with subfolders containing all the directories I need renamed, let's call it Direct1. The directories I need to rename, let's call RenameDirect

It looks like this:

/Direct1/[arbitrary directory]/SXS/[RenameDirect]/[arbitrary directories and files]

Each directory I need to rename (RenameDirect) is like this:

[arbitrary text][six-digit number][one or two spaces][4-digit year > 2000][arbitrary text]

I need to find the ones with TWO spaces in the "one or two spaces" position and change them all to ONE space there. The 2 spaces are all an error. There will be a few files with double spaces in the rest of the arbitrary text that need to preserved, so I can't just replace all double spaces.

Here's what I've come up with:

find . -maxdepth 3 -type d -regextype sed -regex '.*/SXS/.*[0-9]\{6\}  20' | while read f; do
mv "$f" "$(dirname "$f")/$(basename "$f" | sed 's,\([0-9]\)  \(2\),\1 \2,')"

I'm pretty sure the "while," "mv," and "sed" are all working from testing them on sample folders. It's the regex arguments to "find" that are failing.

Any help would be appreciated,


1 Answer 1


OK, I'm embarrassed to have posted given the mistake I realized. Forgot a final ".*" in the "find" regex to continue matching after the first two digits of the year, "20"

Working version was:

find . -maxdepth 3 -type d -regextype sed -regex '.*/SXS/.*[0-9]\{6\}  20.*' | while read f; do
    mv "$f" "$(dirname "$f")/$(basename "$f" | sed 's,\([0-9]\)  \(2\),\1 \2,')"
  • Although if I'm making this way too complicated, I'd still love to hear alternate solutions and learn a thing or two.
    – Tom Spoon
    Commented Nov 24, 2019 at 3:58
  • Also, I was learning RegEx for this and started with the sed expression, then learned more for the "find" expression. I see now that I should have gone back to my sed regex and made sure I was matching a six-digit number and two digits of the year to be sure I didn't accidentally hit anything I shouldn't. But I wasn't using "g" with sed, so it would only hit the first occurance. Given the dataset, it's extremely unlikely there was a single miss there.
    – Tom Spoon
    Commented Nov 24, 2019 at 4:06

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