The default behavior for the shortcut <Windows Key + Number> is to open the respective application on your taskbar. I have this behavior overridden by the AHK script posted here, which changes the shortcut to switch between virtual desktops instead.

This script has been working for me for a long time, but when I recently switched editors from emacs to VSCode, I have encountered the problem that whenever VSCode is focused, the shortcut reverts to the default behavior of opening the taskbar application.

If it matters, I am using VSCode through WSL, but I don't think it's relevant since the problem still occurs when I use VSCode on the Windows side.

I researched totally disabling the native shortcuts, but it doesn't seem like there is a way to disable individual Win+X shortcuts on Windows - the Windows key is either totally disabled or enabled. This problem is very annoying, because I frequently switch desktops and I keep opening Outlook instead of the desktop with my browser in it.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer 1


The fix here worked for me. I think it was a problem with VSCodeVim (not sure why I didn't consider that might be the culprit.)

I added the following to my settings.json:

"keyboard.dispatch": "keyCode"

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