I'm developing a website and i'm using the PHP function dns_get_record to get some data from the DNS server. To proper show the problem I will show an example of getting the NS record from a domain first with CentOS 7

Command: dig php.net NS

php.net. 299 IN NS dns4.easydns.info.
php.net. 299 IN NS dns3.easydns.org.
php.net. 299 IN NS dns2.easydns.net.
php.net. 299 IN NS dns1.easydns.com.

Also when I try to get the A record it give me proper result

But when I'm using this command on my vagrant box (Ubuntu Homestead) I don't get any NS records, there isn't an answer section...

But, when I do the same on the A record there is an answer. How can it be that a domain without any NS can resolve to an IP?

Also when I do the same on Google Dig I get the expected result

Any help will be very appreciated.

  • 2
    Can you share some information on your vagrant box? How was it setup? How is its IP stack configured and the /etc/resolv.conf file etc...
    – Tommiie
    Commented Oct 19, 2018 at 8:48
  • I took a look in /etc/resolv.conf and found it was pointing to the wrong nameserver... Thanks! Commented Oct 19, 2018 at 9:07
  • can you please post a detailed answer and mark it as accpeted, in case it helps someone else?
    – bgtvfr
    Commented Oct 19, 2018 at 9:30

1 Answer 1


After installing the default Vagrant box with Laravel/Homestead and rebooting it I needed to change the /etc/resolv.conf - there was a wrong nameserver listed in that e. I've changed to and that solved it.

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