Long time reader, first time asker...

So, here is my situation:

I am consulting for a company for a azure migration project. For some reason, even though I have confirmed with several sources, I have been tasked with proving that I can create a VM on the on-prem Hyper-V server without licensing it and then copy that VHD to Azure and create a VM from it. I will spare you the steps that I have followed to get it up to the cloud, it is pretty basic. What I am facing now is that once I have created the snapshot and disk and spun up the VM, I get ZERO outbound network traffic. Meaning I am unable to connect via RDP. I have tried just about everything under the sun. I even went back on-prem to see if there was an issue with the NIC there....NOPE, I am able to get out to internet and everything.

If anyone could assist with this, maybe have some leading questions that would point me somewhere I haven't thought of yet, that'd be great!


  • Have you adjusted the IP address(es) on the VM to be compatible with the network(s) its new host is on?  Please do not respond in comments; edit your question to make it clearer and more complete. Commented May 25, 2018 at 7:54

2 Answers 2


You can verify if there are inbound security rules denying the rdp traffic in the network security group in you VM virtual network.

For more details on windows, please follow this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/troubleshoot-rdp-connection

For more details on linux, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/detailed-troubleshoot-ssh-connection


Sorry I wasn't paying attention to this question....

it would appear that since i was a contractor and not assigned to the correct VLAN in the office, i could not RDP outside.....

I was able to test and prove this.

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