Sometimes, I would like to change the color of the text in a Word document without affecting the color of hyperlinks. If I simply press CTRL+A and change font color, then the color of hyperlinks is changed too and it becomes no longer possible to discern them from regular text.

This happens a lot when I paste from an external page and I would like the regular font to appear black, but if I use press CTRL+A to select the pasted text, then the hyperlinks turn black as well.

Is there a way to highlight all regular text in a document without manually going through and changing the color of intervals of regular text between hyperlinks?

Note: I don't want to change the style or theme color for regular font; I want to simply change font color excepting hyperlinks. I foresee this (if possible) being done by somehow being able to select text, omitting hyperlinks, or change color, omitting hyperlinks.

  • You really should use Word's "Styles" - then changing the color of all regular text can be done with just two or three clicks.
    – Moshe Katz
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 9:51
  • Theme and Styles are different features which serve different purposes. Your note made no mention of Styles.
    – Moshe Katz
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 16:50

1 Answer 1


After setting the font settings, run this macro to reset the font style for all hyperlinks.

Sub RestoreHyperlinkStyle()
    Dim hl As Hyperlink
    For Each hl In ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks
        hl.Range.Style = wdStyleHyperlink
End Sub

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