From a YouTube comment, I tried copying and pasting text into a new Word document, and it looked like this:

pasted YouTube comment

Then I selected all the text in Word and changed its font color to black, but then (as expected) it looks like this:

black on black

Font > "Text Highlight Color" is already set to "No Color".

Paragraph > "Paragraph Shading" is already set to "No Color".

Paragraph > Borders > "Borders and Shading" > Shading is already set to "No Color".

What other settings exist that cause a background color?

(Where else do I need to set to "No Color" or "Transparent"?)

I'm 99% sure I've learned of the way to solve this before with another less prominent setting, but I just can't remember it.

P.S. I don't want to use the "Clear All Formatting" approach because I want to preserve italics, etc.

  • Shading is also something that can apply to selected text. This is not the same as highlighting. It is under the borders and shading control. Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 18:22
  • Right, and I'd already tried that, as I mentioned in my question. The fix, though, was to NOT select ALL text. THEN changing Shading to "No Color" worked.
    – Ryan
    Commented Jul 17, 2023 at 0:57

1 Answer 1


I finally found an answer!

  1. Select all text Actually, selecting all text via CTRL-A caused this not to work. I needed to select only most of the text, excluding its final character (and I don't know why).
  2. Right-click the selection
  3. See a context menu that pops up near your cursor
  4. Set "Shading" to "No Color".

right-click menu

Alternatively, now that I realized that selecting all text first was the problem, one of the solutions I mentioned in my question actually does work:

Paragraph > Borders > "Borders and Shading" > Shading > "No Color".

Weirdly, if I select all text first (such as via CTRL-A), neither solution works.

  • A much simpler solution is to paste as plain text. Pasting formatted text from other formats is almost always going to produce formatting anomalies. wordfaqs.ssbarnhill.com/CleanWebText.htm Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 18:18
  • @CharlesKenyon Sure, I use "paste without formatting" many times per day, but in this case (as I mentioned in my PS in the question), I wanted to preserve italics, etc.
    – Ryan
    Commented Jul 17, 2023 at 0:51

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