I have searched for the captioned question here and found these posts :

How do I change to a mapped network drive at the command line?

Windows 7: Command Prompt won't CD into a network mapped drive

but neither do they helped.

currently i have mapped a drive to F:, which i can access normally via explorer / GUI.

now i want to access it via command line, but when i do a simple :


it says :

The system cannot find the drive specified.

i also tried :

cd /d F:

it keeps saying :

The system cannot find the drive specified.

alright. so then i tried the advice from one of the above posts

net use F:

it shows :

Local name     F:
Remote name    \\somewhere\shared
Resource type  Disk
The command completed successfully

so, what am i missing here? i tried all these on both Windows 7 and Windows 10.

1 Answer 1


it seems that it's because i have started the command prompt as "admin", while all the network drives are mapped the account i normally using ( which has admin right as well though ), from there the OS has recognized me as a different person and so cannot see anything i mapped in the "normal" account.

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