Im trying to use powershell to match the username and user status in the below:

Internal user ID:        1     Login name: ADMINISTRATOR    
Last login:
Last update user ID:     2     Date and time created: Tue Oct-25-2016 10:59:31
User status:             ENABLED       Reason for last status change:          0

With my regex builder I've got working:

Login name:\s+(\w+)\n.*\n.*\nUser status:\s+(ENABLED|DISABLED)

but when I use this in select-string its not returning anything. Anything obvious im doing wrong?


$as = select-string "c:\users\ssfors\desktop\audit\user.rep" -pattern "Login name:\s+(\w+)\n.*\n.*\nUser status:\s+(ENABLED|DISABLED)"
foreach ($a in $as) {
echo $a.matches.groups[1].Value
  • Did you try to exclusively set the -Path parameter? In addition I'm not sure if PowerShell would match in single line mode by default. You could either try to remove line breaks with a simple replace or use a more complex RegEx statement/command that allows for single line mode matching.
    – Seth
    Commented Feb 10, 2017 at 11:38

1 Answer 1


If you look at the following question you will see a way to get PowerShell/Select-String to use single line mode: Multiline regex to match config block

The problem you're facing is that by default a RegEx is usually applied per line of input. So your RegEx is only working on the first line that has Internal user ID and Login name.

What you need to do is to either remove the line breaks from your input or tell Select-String to use single line mode. In both cases you should adjust your RegEx to not use \n as it won't be needed. You could do it like this:

Login name:\s+(\w+)\s+.*?User status:\s+(ENABLED|DISABLED)

After this you either need adjust your input by e.g. running -replace '`n' (notice as well that you should be using `n within PowerShell) or you could use a modifier on the the input like stated in the question above. Your RegEx would change in that case to:

(?s)Login name:\s+(\w+)\s+.*?User status:\s+(ENABLED|DISABLED)

Even after all that you're not going to be finished just yet, Select-String actually returns line for line of an input if you supply -Path, so it's a good idea to read the whole file at once beforehand.

An example could be the following:

$fileContent = (Get-Content c:\users\ssfors\desktop\audit\user.rep) -join ''
$results = $fileContent | Select-String -pattern "Login name:\s+(\w+)\s+.*?User status:\s+(ENABLED|DISABLED)" -AllMatches
foreach($match in $results.Matches){
    foreach($group in $match.Groups){
        echo $group.Value

if($results.Matches.Count -eq 1 -and $results.Matches[0].Groups.Count -eq 3){
    echo "User Name:", $results.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
    echo "Status:",  $results.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value;

Notice that the example doesn't use the single line modifier because it's not needed. It's reading the file and concatenating the lines using nothing as a delimiter.

  • Thank you very much for this! Answered my question perfectly.
    – Stuey Baby
    Commented Feb 12, 2017 at 10:13
  • Consider checking out What should I do when someone answers my question?. It's always nice to get a thank you but if it really did answer your question, consider marking it as the answer. Mere thank you posts are somewhat discouraged on this platform. :-)
    – Seth
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 7:06
  • Ok have done that, thanks again. The file that improcessing is about 40k lines, I think I'm running into a problem with the single lines size, and only getting the first 1/4 of users. Is there a way around this?
    – Stuey Baby
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 11:27
  • Don't process such a huge file, that would be the easy way. What size does that file have? Does it fit into RAM?
    – Seth
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 11:30
  • 2748kb, its the user file for an app, Im trying to select all the enabled user accounts for audit. But no your right $fileConent only reads in the first 1/4.
    – Stuey Baby
    Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 11:52

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