Beyond Compare 4's Picture Compare has 2 images on top and the composite image below. This suits landscape images, but wastes plenty of space for highly portrait images on 16:9 monitors: http://muhqu.de/snapz/IMG_7903.CR2_%3C--%3E_IMG_7903.jpg_-_Picture_Compare-20140508-121056.png

This video and screenshot show it operating in side-by-side layout: http://youtu.be/AKsbjFX4GN8 http://youtu.be/AKsbjFX4GN8 http://www.gearbyte.com/software/3rdparty/images/PixCompare.jpg

and the Picture Viewer plug-in for Beyond Compare 2 has "Side-by-side Layout" and "Over-under Layout" options: http://scootersoftware.com/download.php?zz=v2pixview http://scootersoftware.com/images/v2pixview2.png

Is there a way to turn on Side-by-side layout in Beyond Compare 4's Picture Compare? Thanks!

1 Answer 1


Beyond Compare 4's Picture Compare doesn't have the Beyond Compare 3's Side-by-side layout. The only way you can change the layout is by selecting View > Full Screen (F11).

In the Full Screen view, there is an icon in the top left corner you can click on to select between the left image, right image, and comparison. Hit F11 or Esc to exit Full Screen.

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