I'm using Beyond Compare 4 Trial Mode to compare to .csv files. Many years ago I recall there was a command to resync the file comparison. One of my csv files has more lines to the other and I need to be able to manually pick match this line to that line in few places. I'm pretty sure this used to be available.


1 Answer 1


Beyond Compare's Table Compare (default view for CSV and XLSX files) doesn't support manual alignment of rows. Rows are automatically aligned based on key columns.

The default settings make column 1 a key column. To change the column type, right click on a column header and select Standard Column or Key Column.

To change the row sorting behavior in the Table Compare, click the Rules toolbar button (referee icon). In the Alignment tab, select Sorted alignment, Unaligned, etc.

Beyond Compare's Text Compare does support manual alignment of lines. To open files in the Text Compare when they're already open in the Table Compare, select Session > Compare Files Using > Text Compare. In the Text Compare, right click on a line on the left and select Align With, then left click on a line on the right.

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