I'm facing permission problems.

I have a project for my school lecture which located here. It basically download some images from internet. And also It has a setup like wordpress and need to modify some php files.

I have to give 777 permission to img/ and img/Stars/ folders(you can see from github) to download images properly. And setup/index.php,resources/php/functions.php permissions to in order to connect db after modification?)(lol).

So, is there any way to give those permissions bundled with github so it wont casue any problem, or how can I prevent this permission issues.


  • This question is off topic for stack overflow as it is not about a specific programming problem ,but rather a question on linux/unix systems. Please take a look at Unix & Linux. Commented Apr 17, 2016 at 2:17

1 Answer 1


Can you use chown to set the owner of the necessary scripts to the same user your web server is running as? Possibly _WWW


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