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Revision History of Question #4579 from FAQ site

Differences                   (Rev #7    vs    Current):
<p></p><p></p><center><table cellspacing="0" | Points: border="1"><tbody><tr><td align="center" bgco | You accumulate points for frequently using Br lor="black">Note: Information regarding stars | oadBandReports.com ... you cannot see your cu is outdated. Stars were removed from profile | rrent points but the system stores them. s? although "levels" are still gained by cont | ributions to the site as noted herein.</td></ | As points are accumulated you will gain stars tr></tbody></table></center><p></p><p>Points: | ? which you can see. You accumulate points for frequently using DS | LReports.com ... you cannot see your current | Points are awarded for:<blockquote><ul><li>Fr points but the system stores them as "levels" | equent visits (<a href="/faq/632"><i>More abo .</p><p><span style="text-decoration:underlin | ut how visits get counted</i></a>)<li>Writing e">As points are accumulated you will gain le | and posting an ISP Review<li>Helping out wit vels</span>? up? which you can see by using t | h the <a href="/faq">FAQ</a> <li>Writing a de he "members" link in the left menu? and "capa | scription of <a href="/town">broadband in you bilities".</p><p></p><blockquote>Points are a | r area</a><li>Posting a <a href="/lpb">LPB ga warded for: | me screenshot</a><li>Describing your home <a <ul><li>Frequent visits (<a href="/faq/632">< | href="/faq/4575">network</a><li>Visiting and em>More about how visits get counted</em></a> | providing feedback on <a href="/information/m ) | edia">broadband sites</a><li>Contributing an </li><li>Writing and posting an ISP Review | article for the home page<li>Having your IP a </li><li>Helping out with the <a href="/faq"> | ddress <a href="/schedule">monitored</a></ul> FAQ</a> | </blockquote><hr> <U><B>Stars and Team Icons </li><li>Writing a description of <a href="/t | :</B></U> <small><i>Posted by <a href="/usere own">broadband in your area</a> | mail/u/366460">Sheesh</a></i></small> </li><li>Posting a <a href="/lpb">LPB game sc | reenshot</a> | Stars are rewarded for points earned. Getting </li><li>Visiting and providing feedback on < | stars depends on how long you have been a me a href="/information/media">broadband sites</ | mber? number of posts you have made? and wher a> | e you post. There are other things to determ </li><li>Contributing an article for the home | ine your star status. page | </li><li>Having your IP address <a href="/sch | 1 2 and 3 <IMG SRC="http://i.dslr.net/star2.g edule">monitored</a></li></ul></blockquote> | if" width="8" height="8"> silver stars are ea <hr> <span style="text-decoration:underline" | rned as you reach 2k? 5k and 20k points ><span style="font-weight: bold;">Team Icons: | 1 <IMG SRC="http://i.dslr.net/star.gif" width </span></span> <small><em>Posted by <a href=" | ="8" height="8"> gold is shown if you pass 60 /useremail/u/366460">Sheesh</a></em></small>< | k points p> | 1 <IMG SRC="http://i.dslr.net/star1.gif" widt <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bb/disco.gif" wi | h="8" height="8"> green is shown if you pass dth="8" height="8" /> indicates membership of | 120k points. Team Discovery (United Devices) | <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bb/seti.gif" wid | A single green star is the end of the star sy th="8" height="8" /> indicates membership of | stem? except for: Team Starfire (Seti) | 1 <IMG SRC="http://i.dslr.net/star3.gif" widt <img src="http://i.dslr.net/bb/helix.gif" wi | h="8" height="8"> blue star means the user is dth="8" height="8" /> indicates membership of | a site subscriber (<a href="/faq/toolpts">to Team Helix (Folding/Genome) | ol points</a>) <br /><br /><br />To qualify for one of the s | pinners shown above? you must first join that | For Tool points? and avatars? please see else team and then go to <a href="/flair">Members | where in this FAQ. /Extra</a> and fill out <span style="font-wei | ght: bold;">Why Did I Join</span>. You shoul | Additional trinkets: d have your team spinner by the next day. | <BR> > <IMG SRC="http://i.dslr.net/bb/disco.gif" wi > dth="8" height="8"> indicates membership of T > eam Discovery (United Devices) > <IMG SRC="http://i.dslr.net/bb/seti.gif" wid > th="8" height="8"> indicates membership of Te > am Starfire (Seti) > <IMG SRC="http://i.dslr.net/bb/helix.gif" wi > dth="8" height="8"> indicates membership of T > eam Helix (Folding/Genome) > <BR><BR><BR>To qualify for one of the spinner > s shown above? you must first join that team > and then go to <A HREF="/flair">Members/Extra > </A> and fill out <B>Why Did I Join</B>. You > should have your team spinner by the next da > y. </p><p></p> | >