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You accumulate points for frequently using BroadBandReports.com ... you cannot see your current points but the system stores them.

As points are accumulated you will gain stars, which you can see.

Points are awarded for:

Stars and Team Icons: Posted by Sheesh

Stars are rewarded for points earned. Getting stars depends on how long you have been a member, number of posts you have made, and where you post. There are other things to determine your star status.

1 2 and 3 silver stars are earned as you reach 2k, 5k and 20k points
1 gold is shown if you pass 60k points
1 green is shown if you pass 120k points.

A single green star is the end of the star system, except for:
1 blue star means the user is a site subscriber (tool points)

For Tool points, and avatars, please see elsewhere in this FAQ.

Additional trinkets:

indicates membership of Team Discovery (United Devices)
indicates membership of Team Starfire (Seti)
indicates membership of Team Helix (Folding/Genome)

To qualify for one of the spinners shown above, you must first join that team and then go to Members/Extra and fill out Why Did I Join. You should have your team spinner by the next day.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • I just signed on but have not yet sent the confirmation, so my guess is that I'm an unconfirmed subscriber. My problem is that I want to change my user id, and it's best that I do this now. Would greatly appreciate getting an answer ciao, teo de boer

    2015-10-14 15:52:06 (DutchCanuk See Profile)

Expand got feedback?

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2015-05-27 19:57:45