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Unlimited, right

Been with them for almost a year.
Mistake with accounting from bill one. I was using their unlimited dialup until DSL was connected, and they had the guts to charge me $1/hour for the 35 hours i was connected during that time.

Then there's the recurring dns down, routing problems or authentication server down.

'sides that, I have to admit I got my full 1.7M/380k. Seems I'm just a lucky SOB.

Except around november, upload speeds crawled to about 0.01k/sec and eventually transfers timedout after 60kb transfered. That was, for everything BUT p2p. Had to call them 3 times to get this fixed. Once they did, of course they never replied saying it was fixed. It lasted over a month. Downloads during that were not affected at all.

And recently, my account was put on auto-lockout and I had to call them to know why. And had to be transfered to about 5 different persons. Turns out I had transferred in the past 4 weeks "more than Unlimited".


I still believe 85GB is lower than unlimited.

Looks like i'll have to do some shopping armed with a dictionnary.