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u want a good deal with aei ? read that

The deal is, find another isp on this website or at canadianisp.com wathever but find another f***** ISP
my experience with AEI.

1. I bought their "3.5" mbits connection I was never able to have a good upload speed or good ping with everyone other then hse or videotron... it's easy to understand they use the "same" backbone.. wathever
2. I cancelled my 3.5 and get their 1.2, now I'm able to upload at 70k/sec... GREAT less money more speed good deal, no ?.
3.Starting to have a problem of lost packet I was thinking that my linksys router are had a problem. I put my adsl connection on a brandnew Slackware box but I still have problem now, I've not solve the problem right now but it's look like their FU**** router don't reply all my echo request and send a PADT ....and like everyone know it's impossible to talk to a "tech". I think they don't employ people I think they clone a fu*** redneck and tell to him to ask the phone...
Shit I really don't understand how they are able to don't declare bankrupt...

Sorry for my bad english ..




AEI fucking sux i swicthed from Bell becuz they didnt had bandwidt limit and as soon as i switched Bell cancelled their limit %#^*(%

at the beginning i didnt mind being 10 kbs slower on ul but now i cant fucking ul i keep d/c on MSN while xfering files or other programs and i cant ul to fucking FTP servers.... i called and they say we'll try to figure that out sure... then they come fucking me about my extension for phone line but i used it before and still was able to ul at 30... now i dont get wtf is wrong cuz before evertime AEi messes up i log on my friends bell account but we cant anymore since Bell installed a sector locator which doesnt allow you to log on bell's accounts ARGH! if someone have the same fucking problem let me know so we can piss tech support off together.... and those fuckers arent even 24/7! i seriously need another ISP in Canada with no bandwidt limit and high speed cuz i bought the god dam mdoem of AEI