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Are these guys serious?

A few horrific details of the "service" and general tone of this 'company':

- Worst service I've ever experienced with ANY company, EVER. The first time I called to inquire about getting a dry loop, the guy I spoke with was rude and impatient. I decided to give them a chance anyway, as my roommate had subscribed with them for 2 years and spoke of them favourably.

- I decided to drop into one of their locations to subscribe, try to get all my bases covered in one shot. After dealing with Bell for several years, I didn't feel like getting passed around to 8 different departments and having 5 extra charges on 4 different bills.

- The "office" was like a ghost town - and I am NOT exaggerating. There was an entire floor of office space, with maybe 4 employees doing random useless things and arguing on cell phones or (what I assume) were irritated customers.

- The guy who "helped" me swore profusely and complained about every other employee there. He gave me the wrong prices (see horror story below), charged unknown fees not previously discussed to my credit card, FORGOT to charge me for the modem, and called me 3 times in in the hour after I left to confirm "other charges". ???

***at this point, I was made aware that a Bell service technician would be visiting my home to configure the apartment for dry loop ADSL. The technician came as promised. I still didn't have a modem (the "helper" told me they had no stock, but apparently there are several thousands of these modems in storage at the location I had JUST BEEN).

- The same day the Bell technician came by, he told me I had to call AEI to arrange for the modem to be delivered. Here's where the story gets terrible.....

- I call "technical support". WHAT A F*CKING JOKE. I got some chain-smoking grandma on the other end with no idea what she was talking about - when I asked her about getting the modem I PAID FOR and THEY HAD PROMISED ME a few days previously, she BERATED ME!!! She said that I should have written down who I spoke to originally and gotten specific extensions, names, and times of calls - that I was wasting HER TIME and frustrating HER because I was so stupid and unprepared. The general tone was, "how DARE you call me asking about our services. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER".

This was beyond a "bad experience". This pathetic excuse for a company has no class or ethics, so try to avoid dealing with them altogether.