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Problem with porting a number out from comwave network

Just wanted to mention that there is another big problem that comwave telecom has is porting a phone number out of comwave to any other service provider.

I noticed that when I ported out our business phone number from comwave to bell. Number (905)388-0008 was ported to Bell. Since comwave released this phone number it receives calls from anyone in the world but comwave clients can not call that number anymore. When any one who has comwave phone service calls this number he gets the message "This number is not in service"

It's been more that a year now and this number still don't receive calls from comwave network. You can call and try now, it will work from any other phone but comwave.

I have recently ported out another phone from comwave to FreePhoneLine.ca and having exact same problem. When spoke to comwave support they would say it is Bell and now FreePhoneLine problem.

What I think the problem is that when someone ports his number out from comwave to other service provider they simply unassign that number but they don't reroute or divert it. Comwave system keeps thinking that number is still owned by comwave and not yet assigned to anyone.

Just to let you guys know that if you are planning to port your number out of comwave, you'll never receive a call from a relative who is still comwave’s service.