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An independently operated and maintained user community resource for the discussion of information, problems, solutions and questions related to Armstrong Internet.

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Group: All, Billing.Pricing, Equipment, Installation, Reliability, Speed
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 TopicGroupReplies/uniqsLast Post
topicVideo Only EXP by kirk12332/219comp : 26th Jul 2016
topicDOCSIS Channelsattachments by L0nerism12/397dslwanter : 19th Jul 2016
topicFiber in 44903 by rtfm2/224damiloveu : 3rd Jul 2016
topicArmstrong being sneaky like Comcast! by Ctown Clowns-/196Ctown Clowns : 29th Jun 2016
topicHey Armstrong! by OSIU12/322Ctown Clowns : 29th Jun 2016
topicNTP Blocked? by kuruption2/290kuruption : 13th Jun 2016
topicSSH traffic being blocked? by wolrah2/276wolrah : 9th Jun 2016
topicBusiness Inet contract + new cap questions by Spygame4/165wolrah : 24th May 2016
topicService Changes ( 1 2 3 )attachmentsx2 by OSIU69/1058comp : 19th Apr 2016
topicAdvice for Netflix Users by sefs1/209comp : 10th Mar 2016
topicAbsoulty one of the worst ISPs I've ever dealt with by JBrown115/481Concerned : 27th Dec 2015
topicArmstrongEXP? ( 1 2 ) by dslwanter36/11kcomp : 14th Aug 2015
topic250gb cap by jgrosclaude6/1030comp : 3rd Aug 2015
topicNew Speeds ( 1 2 ) by Concerned38/1171L0nerism : 24th Jun 2015
topicSpeed increases by Any Mouse1/198comp : 19th May 2015
topicGamers in Medina, river styx? by Gov3/201clbiggs : 23rd Apr 2015
topicNew speed tiers likely incoming by wolrah6/629comp : 15th Dec 2014
topicInternet Acting up by MattT1/520Concerned : 1st Sep 2014
topicNew Modem, Forced RFC1918 IP Space? by BrianX5/786HomeTech : 13th May 2014
topicSpeeds and Caps lifted by comp6/1082comp : 4th Apr 2014
topicQuestions by isp100026/947Orange : 25th Mar 2014
topiclocal connection is still busy, please wait a few seconds before attemptin by acanac1212-/6762nd Mar 2014
topic300GB limit on triple play by kdhamann-/1369kdhamann : 23rd Feb 2014
topicCopy protection flags on CableCard? by wolrah-/703wolrah : 14th Feb 2014
topicChanging how we watch TV - Data Cap Trap :( by shelterdog4/2158shelterdog : 7th Jan 2014
topicSuspicious Usage?attachments by skeptic132/1259rockotman : 25th Dec 2013
topicZoom Internet - DATA CAPS AHOY! by Orange4/1068Orange : 18th Dec 2013
topicNew HD Channels by comp10/1937Os : 3rd Nov 2013
topicCableCard? by mario053/1027mario05 : 22nd Sep 2013
topicBW Caps? by wut19/1853Concerned : 15th Jun 2013
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