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2. Verizon Forum Info

The short answer is "No". From the Rules on Posting section of the DSLReports site FAQ:

"No user of the site has any right to post anything they feel like posting. If a user posts, they have to live with any editing or deletion or other moderator action without public complaint.

In addition, each forum has its own posting rules and guidelines.

FAQ by kadar,edited by Cariad

by edited by More Fiber See Profile
last modified: 2012-06-01 19:16:57

No, please use The Rant, Raves and Praise Forum for complaints and other similar activities.

FAQ by kadar,edited by Cariad

by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 16:37:43

The DSLReports Verizon Forum is an information resource for the Verizon Online DSL Internet service. It's a place where users of (or anyone interested in) the Verizon DSL service can ask questions, share ideas, and gather information.

FAQ by kadar,edited by Cariad

by edited by Cariad See Profile
last modified: 2003-11-05 11:06:51

Out of sight is a "quarantine" area. Inappropriate and highly objectionable threads are moved to Post Jail until the BBR system removes them.

It is inaccessible to regular members.

FAQ by kadar,edited by Cariad

by edited by sashwa See Profile
last modified: 2008-06-25 10:54:22

The Verizon DSL Forum is hosted by Broadbandreports.com/DSLReports.com and is not affiliated with Verizon Inc.

by drake See Profile edited by sashwa See Profile
last modified: 2011-09-20 11:39:25