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4. WinAmp


by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2004-01-02 17:06:31

Just click on the "+file" button and hold down your mouse button. You'll see that two other buttons appear above it labeled "+dir" and "+url". Slide the mouse cursor up to the "+dir?" button while holding down the mouse button and then release the mouse button. A selector window will come up - navigate through it until you find the directory with all your MP3 files in it. If you want to put all your files in all the sub-directories into one playlist, then make sure the "Recurse sub-directories" check-box in the selector window is checked, then select your directory. All the files in that directory and in all the directories underneath it will be added to your playlist.

by snapcase$ See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2002-12-03 15:20:53

If your playlist isn't already displayed, click the "PL" button to display it. Then on the playlist window, either click the +FILE button and add the files one at a time or click the +DIR button (click +FILE and then slide up) to add a whole directory (and optionally its sub-directories).

To start a new list, click the Load List button, and slide up to New List.

by snapcase$ See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2002-12-03 15:21:05

Make sure that in the main window, the small green light in the "Shuffle" button is not on. If you find that it's on, simply click it to turn off Shuffle mode. Your list should now play in order since Shuffle mode plays the list in random order.

Here's some more info from one of our members, first-hand experience that might help someone else. (What this site and its FAQs are all about)
"If you drag a group of say, 10 songs labled 1.mp3 - 10.mp3 into the playlist window, you would think that they would play in order...but the actual file that you clicked and dragged on will be first, example. 1-10 are highlighted, and you click on file #3 to drag the list in, well your playlist would be arranged 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2...so if you drag a list of files in the correct order into the playlist, always drag by the first file in the list that you want played.
that might be useless info, but it bugged the hell out of me for a while, so i figured i would share."
Info provided by oxyprazolam

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Great advice, thank you ever so much!

    2012-12-03 09:21:35

  • I didn't find a Shuffle button, but found "Shuffle" was checked on the pull-down menu for "Play" at the top of the player -- many thanks.

    2011-07-28 13:40:54

  • Wow Great! I was struggling from a couple of days and this helped me. Thanks a lot :-) Vidya

    2011-07-23 22:49:57

  • Thanks a lot. The second part that you explained bothered me for years. Just figured it now. Taz

    2010-05-18 18:05:04

  • Had this problem, didn't figure it so trawled the net looking for answers. Found this so just wanted to say a BIG ----> THANKS!! :)

    2009-04-18 05:47:50

  • Wow, this additional information was EXACTLY what I was looking for. I had no idea that simply clicking the first file dragged would solve this little annoyance. Seriously, I thought I would have to make a playlist for every bit of music I wanted to play in a certain order. Thank you very much oxyprazolam.

    2008-11-21 06:40:32

  • Thanx a million, oxyprazolam, that drag and drop issue annoyed the crap out of me as well.

    2008-11-02 19:33:56

by snapcase$ See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2004-05-29 16:44:32

Winamp media player includes the ability to apply new "skins". Skins provide a new look by changing color and/or the shape of the player, sometimes with new buttons and other features.

In Winamp's drop down menu, click on 'skins' and then 'get more skins'. This will open a browser and allow you to choose new skins.

Place the downloaded zip files into the "skins" section under your Winamp directory (ex: C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins) and then when Winamp is running, press Alt-S to browse your skins. A list will pop up and you can just click on each name and see the skin applied to Winamp.

by snapcase$ See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2013-03-22 08:35:38

Winamp has a complete FAQ on their website.

by removed See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2003-12-14 17:05:59