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3.12 Cayman/Netopia Info

Note: Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Netopia 3346 Installation Guide (January 2003)
Netopia 3346 BellSouth Business DSL Multi-User Guide

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Both of these links are dead.

    2012-10-16 10:07:29 (jtudor See Profile)

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-05-31 23:06:44

BellSouth and Netopia recommend 6.3.0 R7 or higher for several reasons:
The newer firmware ensures compatibility with the network protocols used by BellSouth.
The earlier firmware versions contain a character limit in the username so many customers unknowningly run out of space when using the username@bellsouth.net format.
    -Netopia Support Note CIR_100
    -Netopia Support Note CQG_037 (Updating firmware)

Andy Houtz

by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2004-01-26 13:40:14

To use the Cayman 3220-H DSL modem/router with BellSouth, it must be configured as follows (Note that these instructions are for use with the Cayman's web browser interface, and these configurations are for 5.x firmware only. )
  1. Connect the Cayman to your network and configure your PC's to access the Cayman by following the instructions in the Getting Started with the Cayman 3220-H booklet that came with the router.

  2. Using the instructions on page 4 of the booklet, http to the Cayman's web browser interface.

  3. From the Main configuration menu, click Quickstart. On the Quickstart page, enter your BellSouth FastAccess User name and Password in the appropriate fields and click Save.

  4. Again, from the Main configuration menu, click DSL Port(WAN).

  5. In the pulldown selection box next to VCC1 on the ATM Configuration page, choose either ppp-llc, ppp-vcmux, pppoe-llc or pppoe-vcmux. Any of these 4 will work with BellSouth. Most users prefer ppp-llc. Next click the Config button next to VCC1.

  6. On the VCC1 Configuration page, enter the following settings:
    • VPI : 8
    • VCI : 35
    • Connection Type : Always On
    • Idle Timeout : 300 This setting is actually not used
    • PAP : On Enter FastAccess User name and Password in the appropriate boxes.
    • CHAP : On Enter FastAccess User name and Password in the appropriate boxes.
    • IP Interface : On
    • NAT : On
    • Local Address :
    • Peer Address :
    • Admin Restrictions : Admin-disabled Will prevent access to the router setup from the internet!
    • RIP-Send : Off
    • RIP-Receive : Off
    • IP Gateway : On
    • Gateway Type : PPP port(vcc1)
    • Gateway Address :

  7. Click Save and reboot the Cayman.

  8. If using Microsoft Internet Explorer and/or Outlook or Outlook Express, make sure to set both to access the internet via the LAN.

by leevis See Profile edited by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2003-04-21 17:05:53

This FAQ is designed for Cayman firmware 5.6.2 only. Use the Cayman Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to log into your Cayman router using Telnet or the console port. Once logged in, click on the DSL link to find the line statistics. The most important information includes:
Maximum Rate
Noise Margin
Out Power

Additional Information: Click here to learn more about line statistics, what is measured, and recommended values.

Andy Houtz

by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2004-01-28 09:49:05

This FAQ is under construction! Thanks for your patience. In the mean time please use the User Guide links below.

Cayman/Netopia3346 Installation Guide (January 2003).
Cayman/Netopia 3346 BellSouth Business DSL Multi-User Guide

Pictures by Andy Houtz

Andy Houtz

by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2003-11-26 08:44:52

See the Cayman FAQ on the site for additional help.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2003-04-21 17:06:23

This FAQ is still under construction - please pardon our dust!

Andy Houtz

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-05-10 16:05:26