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2.6 Business Class FastAccess

Yes. BellSouth offers 5 speed packages to business customers. All packages offer static IP either as an option or standard.
BellSouth Business FastAccess Site

  • 256k down x 128k up (basic, best effort speeds)
  • 1472k down x 256k up (basic, best effort speeds)
  • 3000k down x 384k up (basic, best effort speeds)
  • 384k down x 384k up (constant speeds)
  • 768k down x 512k up (constant speeds)

    Andy Houtz DSL

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-12-22 00:04:21

Yes. Self install business customers who want a wired network can use their own compatible modem/router or can order the Business Self Install Kit directly from BellSouth which includes the following:

Business Class Service with Ethernet/USB modem:
•Netopia 2241N or Westell 6100 modem/router (more information)
•Business Class Installation CD
•Fast Start Installation Guide
•Business Connection Guide
•DSL Filter Package (1 wall mount filter, 4 inline microfilters)
•Power supply for modem
•USB cable
•Ethernet cable
•RJ-11 cable
•Business Static Insert

Important note: The self install kit above is not compatible with the Multiple Static IP business service!

Andy Houtz DSL

by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-12-22 00:04:58

Domain Name Service (DNS) is the name resolution service for IP addresses that provides the text-based addresses for Internet resources. For example, DNS enables a server with the IP address of to be found on the Internet as www.yourcompany.com. DNS provides the protocol that allows clients (your computer) and servers (the Internet) to easily communicate with each other. MX records define the relationship between mail addresses for users and the host name of the machine that handles mail.

Some FastAccess Business plans provide DNS services/entries for free as part of your basic service offering. Check the FastAccess Comparision Chart to see if your plan offers DNS. After your service is provisioned and the Static IP addresses have been assigned, you can go to www.fastaccess.com/DNS and set up your forward DNS. You will need to establish BellSouth as your primary DNS server with your Domain Name Registrar. Additional DNS services/entries are available for a nominal cost. Additional BellSouth DNS/MX/FQDN information can be seen here.

Important Note: The webpage linked above is for forward DNS only. In order to establish reverse DNS you must contact BellSouth directly at dnsupdates@bellsouth.net.

Andy Houtz DSL

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Reagarding this section of the FAQ: "You will need to establish BellSouth as your primary DNS server with your Domain Name Registrar, and as the technical contact for your Domain Name Service." The second part, ....."and as the technical contact for your Domain Name Service." is not required for any functional purpose. What it amounts to is placing free advertising for Bellsouth in the user's domain whois record. My suggestion is that this portion of the statement be qualified as technically unnecessary if it remains in the FAQ.

    2008-03-13 08:55:31 (graysonf See Profile)

by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2008-03-13 10:05:54

A: A general rule of thumb for determining whether or not you have a good broadband connection is whether or not you are getting at least 80% of the maximum possible speed you could. There is a built in 'loss' due to overhead information that must be transmitted and a few other factors that immediately eat up about 13% of your bandwidth (speed). That means that the absolute best in a perfect setup would be 87% of your theoretical maximum. With other factors thrown in, the 80% rule of thumb was developed. Now, how to apply it.

As one example, lets assume you have a 1.5/256 DSL connection. This means that the best you can ever do is to get 1500kbps (kilobits per second) as a download speed and 256kpbs upload. But at least 13% of that is going away for the overhead. 80% of 1500 is 1200kbps, and 80% of 256 is 204.8kbps. So if you have a 1.5/256 line and are getting speds of 1200/204 or better, then you have a 'good' connection.

If you are getting less than these numbers, the DSLR Tweaks forum is a good place to go to start optimizing the portion of the system that can help with these numbers.

A few things to keep in mind: 1) You can only 'tweak' to improve your download speed and hopefully your upload speed will rise along with it; 2) It is hard to apply the 80% rule to an uncapped Cable connection where no upper limit for speed is stated; 3) no 'tweaks' are available to improve Ping (latency) times - that is a separate issue.

by mikes60 See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2004-04-01 17:48:04