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Many websites offer allegedly legal MP3's such as MP3.com. There are also numerous allegedly legal, search-able online MP3 libraries and directories that you can find. Though, by far the most popular ways of getting MP3's are through separate programs, often called person-to-person file sharers such as the traditional Napster or some of the alternatives that have sprouted up since Napster's arrival, one of which is WinMX. These programs not only let you download MP3's, but they also let you share your current library with everyone on that particular server or network. The many file sharing programs can be found here. Amazon is a good source for purchasing and downloading MP3's, by the album or the individual selection.

Unfortunately, the amount of illegal copies being distributed on these file sharing networks is quite large and that is one of the major disadvantages to using a peer-to-peer program. As with any new technology, there are drawbacks that still have yet to be dealt with.

Always remember that it's completely the user's responsibility to decide which MP3s he/she will obtain, share, and distribute! DSLReports in no way condones any engagement in illegal activities!

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by snapcase$ See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2013-03-22 07:15:25