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You do this by clicking on the link at the bottom of any FAQ:

Just like posting in the forums, you will have an opportunity to preview and then submit. The finished entry will become part of the FAQ when it is reviewed by the FAQ owner(s). It's a good idea, in most cases, to send an IM to one of the FAQ authors to alert them that you have submitted a proposed entry.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • The FAQ submission form only shows at the bottom of a main FAQ, e.g. "Site FAQ", where you can then select which part of that FAQ you would like to contribute to. Clicking an article will give you "got feedback?" instead.

    2020-05-17 10:01:44 (Serenity See Profile)

  • This does not show at the bottom of FAQs

    2009-07-18 15:26:15 (mrkevin See Profile)

Expand got feedback?

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by tmpchaos See Profile
last modified: 2013-09-20 13:52:58