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The "all forums view" page (/forums/all) has been changed so that it now displays a folder listing the boards associated with ALL ISPs, indexed by first letter.

Any entries found by drilling down in this index are either:

• A link to the existing popular forum with site, host, etc OR
• A link to a generic display of whatever comments have been previously left lurking inside the ISP listing itself

The entries in the index are tied to ISP listings from the DSLR front page. If your ISP doesn't have a listing yet, it's because there are no reviews for it. You can rectify that by doing a review here on the site or, if you don't locate your ISP, by emailing the review. Then send an IM to cabana See Profile.

You can add/subtract to your favorite forums page, but they only show up in the default fav forum view, not the alternative one.

Posts attached to ISPs that do not have a regular forum are culled from other locations and can be viewed by clicking on the ISP name. There may be no existing posts for a certain ISP.

Expand got feedback?

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-12-13 09:15:05