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We would prefer that you leave your existing review as is and write another review for your new ISP. Currently, each user is allowed a max of 5 different ISP reviews to facilitate this. Leaving your old review will allow others to possibly learn why you are leaving an ISP, for example. It also helps maintain posterity.

To create a new review, find your ISP on our Alphabetical ISP List and click on the link to write a review.

This will also ensure your current ISP is accurately identified along with your name in the forums.

You can update your ISP review and have it show, but only once per seven-day period. If you make changes a second time, it will take seven days to show the most recent update.
Note: To have your updated review show up without having to wait until the next server update, go to your Forum Preferences page and click the "update" button without making any changes.

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by pike See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:37:57