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We welcome the submission of any news stories that would be of interest to a majority of our members using the "Got News?" link on the upper right hand side of the BellSouth Forum main topic page. If we use your submission, you will naturally receive credit for spotting the story.

When submitting news stories, please follow these guidelines:
  • No questions or problems that would normally be posted as a forum message.

  • Must be of interest to a majority of BellSouth Forum users.

  • No ISP reviews.

  • No personal opinion or personal experience stories.
    Information must be verifiable through at least one other source.

  • Provide full URL links whenever possible.

  • When submitting a news article from another web site, post a brief summary and the full URL link. Do not copy/paste the entire story text.

  • No Public Relations or "PR" announcements.

  • Business solicitations or advertisements will not be accepted.

  • Submissions may be edited for content at the moderators discretion.

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by leevis See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2004-01-31 09:19:35