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BBR Line Monitoring
A closer look at one of our site tools
Posted on 2005-08-14 08:00:05
Written by lilhurricane See Profile

Have you ever wanted to brag about your broadband connection's stability but lacked the proof? What about those days when your connection seems a little sluggish but you are not sure why? Did you ever get the impression that the ISP call center doesn't believe you really have a problem?

Let's take a look at an easy way to compare your DSL, Cable, Satellite or other broadband connection with your neighbor across the street or around the globe. With BroadbandReports Line Monitoring you can have a wonderful diagnostic tool that provides detailed & reliable up-to-the-minute information about your connections.

Continuous easy to read graphing setup for your convenience:

BroadbandReports Line Monitoring provides you with Hourly, Daily, Long & Short Term reports. These diagnostic reports will arrive weekly in your email inbox and are available online anytime and look just like this one.

You'll have an interesting way to instantly see how your line conditions compare with fellow members or neighbors.

Some of our individual forums are already on board with Line Monitoring:

The SBC Midwest - Ameritech forum has an Unofficial Status Page covering the service areas in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. lev See Profile, Riss_Centaur See Profile and rolande See Profile can help get you added, step by step instructions can be found in the FAQ: Setup and How to Join

Southeast City Chat - which covers States in the Southeastern US including Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia, Tennessee, and Florida here: Southeast Forum Line Monitor

Northern California City Chat - which has participants all over The Bay Area of San Francisco and beyond, located here: Northern California Forum Line Monitor

We are also providing line monitoring for the active AT&T Southeast Forum as shown here: AT&T Southeast Forum Line Monitor

So what do you need to get started?

1. A connection that is on 24/7, since that is the most effective way to monitor a connection. Those with Cable/DSL routers can take advantage of this easily, leaving the router on to be monitored. Those without routers will need to leave their PCs running at all times, staying connected through PPPoE software.

2. A BBR Line Monitoring Service Account . The service costs 1 Tool Point (approximately $1 per week).

The first week is free. After the first week, you'll need to acquire Tool Points to continue participating.

*Note: Your monitor will be terminated after the first week if you do not buy tool points..

Line Monitoring is now free if "part of a group" - see: »Line Monitoring FAQ »Join a Line Monitor Group - Free Service

Here is a great way to help support the site while enjoying a super way to monitor your connection with the tools that only the pros use!

For more information or assistance - or for inclusion to one of the above forums, please contact either: jazzman916 See Profile or lilhurricane See Profile.

We'll be happy to get you started!

The BBR Line Monitoring is for informational purposes only and does not in any way replace official status reports or support from your ISP. Thanks to RadioDoc See Profile and others who were integral in building the original concept.

*** The information in this article was put together by jazzman916 See Profile and lilhurricane See Profile.

Expand got feedback?

by mjf See Profile
last modified: 2009-05-14 18:36:28