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No, they don't use the MAC address.

FAQ by kadar

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • In response to kadar: YOU ARE WRONG! Verizon DSL in Santa Maria, California DOES REQUIRE THE MAC ADDRESS TO BE THE SAME NO MATTER WHAT! If you plug a Laptop Computer into a DSL modem directly, using an Ethernet Cable (CAT-5e/CAT-6, RJ-45 Cable) and you DO NOT change the MAC ADDRESS on the Laptop to match the previous MAC ADDRESS device the DSL modem was hooked up to, YOU WILL NOT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET! PERIOD! You must know and clone/type manually into the laptop computer/new computer the MAC ADDRESS of the device (NIC Card, Router, etc…) the DSL modem was plugged into. Otherwise, you must call Verizon DSL customer service and have them MANUALLY reset their end of the connection (which is a MAJOR pain in the neck.) So, in conclusion, MAKE SURE YOU DOCUMENT THE MAC ADDRESS OF THE NIC CARD/ROUTER that plugs into the DSL modem. Then, on whatever NEW device you plug your DSL modem into, make sure to type in/clone the previous MAC Address on the new device to get an IP address. In Reply to Kadar’s Original Comment. "No, they don't use the MAC address. FAQ by kadar"

    2010-09-28 18:41:50

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last modified: 2002-08-26 18:37:14