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Any Verizon user with an external DSL modem and a Network Interface Card (NIC). Internal DSL and USB modems may work with RASPPPoE under certain conditions, please refer to RASPPPoE FAQ#5 for additional information.

RASPPPoE was written specifically for Windows 2000, then adapted for use with W98, W98SE and WinME. RASPPPoE will not work with W95 and NT4!

Ok, I want to try it, where do I start?
The first step is to retrieve, print and read the installation instructions FROM START TO FINISH! If you follow the steps outlined by the author, then you should not have any problems with the changeover.

o Windows 98/SE/ME users clickhere
o Windows 2000 users click here

What next?
Click here to download the protocol and begin the installation process. If you do not have Dialup Networking installed, you should have your Windows installation CD available.
Deprecated. The links are no longer valid. Pending review.

Need more help?
DSLR is your answer station. Go to the RASPPPoE Forum for assistance by other users.

FAQ by kadar,edited by gwion

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by edited by gwion See Profile
last modified: 2005-11-30 04:24:31