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Normally, using MozBackup should work without conflict. However, if your installation or profile become damaged, you may not be able to load Firefox properly. In this event, you may want to manually backup your settings and start a new profile.

- Locate the Firefox profile folder. On Windows 2000/XP, this folder is found at:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default

- Backup the following files:
bookmarks.html = Bookmarks
cookies.txt = Cookies
formhistory.dat = Form History
history.dat = History
hostperm.1 = Exceptions
prefs.js = Preferences
user.js = Custom user preferences
/chrome/userChrome.css - Interface preferences
signons.txt = Saved passwords. Requires the "key3.db" file to work.
key3.db = Supplements password file.

NOTE: Alternatively you may copy the entire profile folder. When using this method, you may have to edit the paths in the chrome.rdf file on the destination PC for the copied profile to work properly. See this thread for details.

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by rbright See Profile edited by MacGyver See Profile
last modified: 2005-08-22 07:26:08