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Showing posts with label Dropbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dropbox. Show all posts


Dropbox - The Best Way To Backup & Synchronize Files

Image representing Dropbox as depicted in Crun...Dropbox is my favorite backup service,  it can not only backup files,  but also synchronize across multiple computers.  For example, you have two computers, both of them have installed Dropbox client.  When you use Dropbox in computer A , all changes you did in Dropbox folder will be automatically synchronized to DropBox's server, then when you   need to use these files in computer B, you just simply log in to your account via Dropbox cilent, all the documents will be automatically downloaded to the computer B. Is it great?

Dropbox is cross-platform, you can use it on Windows, Mac, and Linux machines.  Meanwhile, you can find the apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry! So you could access your files anytime use mobile devices.


Keep Your Password Safe With KeePass

The KeePass Password Safe icon.
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way and you can put all your passwords in lightweight, simple-to-use & encrypted database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database.

KeePass Password Safe stores all your passwords in groups, so that it's easy to find the one you want quickly. And the program does more than just store the passwords; it also lets you easily copy them onto a Web page or an application. You can drag and drop them, copy them to the clipboard, and copy them using a hot key. You can also easily search for passwords, and print and export them in a variety of formats, including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files. You can import them as well.


AudioPlay: Add A Buttom Flash MP3 Player To Your Blog

AudioPlay is a very simple and free Flash mp3 player, it is simple to only one button. You can add it to your blog and website.
Simple upload AudioPlay and music file to your blog hosting, network hard disk like Dropbox, google code or you can just try this player by using you music URL with the offficial demo.