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Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts


Make Your IE More Powerful With Google Chrome Frame

Google Chrome Frame is a free plug-in designed for Internet Explorer based on the open-source Chromium project.

The plug-in works with Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8. It allows suitably coded web pages to be displayed in Internet Explorer by Google Chrome's versions of the WebKit layout engine and V8 JavaScript engine. So it can speed up your browser.


TabCloud: Another Way To Sync Chrome Tabs Across Computers

Not long ago, I wrote a post Use Rocket To Send Chrome Tabs Between Computers. It's about a Chrome extension called TabRocket. With it, you could send Chrome tabs between computers and different OS. TabCloud is another extension could sync Chrome tabs, but it does better than TabRocket.


Bring VirusTotal To Firefox & Chrome

VirusTotal.comImage via WikipediaVirusTotal is a service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by antivirus engines.

As I have introduced in my previous post <5 Free Online Antivirus Scanners> , so I will not detail it again. A few days ago, a new Chrome extension called VTchromizer appeared, you can right-click on any link and scan the target with VirusTotal.


Convert Any Web Page To PDF

I have been using Web2PDF to convert the web page I like to PDF for some time, but it's not friendly to me. Actually, it can't handle some Chinese encodings.

But now I have found a better Converter - PDFMYURL.
How to use it?
  •  Enter the page URL which you want to convert PDF, that's all ;)
Firefox and Chrome users could find its add-on and extension.


Google Web Clipboard Extension For Chrome

Google Chrome IconImage via Wikipedia
Web Clipboard is a new Google's official Chrome extension. It uses the Google Docs feature to bring a synced clipboard to Chrome, so you can access all your data directly in Google Apps.

This extension allows you to copy and paste text and images (store text and HTML content) online -- even if you’re going from one window to another. Once you’ve intalled the extension, it will work on every new page opened (or refreshed).


Chrome Extension: Super Google Reader

Image representing Google Reader as depicted i...Many websites do not provide full feed content, but only an extension can solve this trouble. If you're using Google Reader and Chrome, you'll like this post ;)

Super Google Reader is such a chrome extension which provide full content feeds for Google Reader. 


Use Rocket To Send Chrome Tabs Between Computers

TabRocket is such a chrome extension which could send tabs between computers and different OS.

I installed Ubuntu and windows 7 on my laptop, I often switch between them. Now I'm in windows 7, if I want to continue browsing the websites that not finished in ubuntu, I just need to push the tab to ubuntu with two clicks with TabRocket!


Backup Your Firefox, Opera & Chrome Easily

For most users, IE must be their favorites, if they need a backup, just back up their bookmarks. However, users of Firefox, Chrome and Opera, the need to back up is more than bookmarks.
Today I'll recommend a series of softwares to you, and some of them can almost just one-click backup of Firefox, Opera, Chrome's data and settings. Though all the three browsers I said already have their own synchronization tool like firefox's Firefox Sync add-on, Opera Link for opera, in addition, Chrome's bookmark can also be synchronized by Xmarks and chrome itself. But still they don't have the settings-backup feature.


Awesome Screenshot: Capture & Annotate for chrome

Awesome Screenshot is an screenshot extension for chrome. It's free and easy to use. It's designed by very well-known bookmark sharing site "Diigo".
Awesome Screenshot https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/alelhddbbhepgpmgidjdcjakblofbmce


Zemanta Makes Your Blogging More Efficient

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseZemanta could do content recommendations while you write, it helps you enhance you blogs with relevant images, videos, links or tags(sources frome Wikipedia, YouTube, Flickr, Wikinvest, etc). Works with WordPress, Blogger, TypePad and others. Zemanta could make your blogging more efficient.


NotScript Addon Comes to Chrome

NoScriptImage via WikipediaNotScript is a famous extension of firefox, because of this extension, firefox may could be the safest browser in the world.
NoScript prevents unauthorized web sites from running JavaScript, Flash, iFrames or other plug-ins to keep your browsing sessions safe. So this extension turns firefox a very safe browser.NotScript not only could increase security, but also lower the CPU usage, then it makes the web browse sessions more smoother.


Enjoy Customizing Web Pages With Stylebot ( Even A Newbie! )

Stylebot is a Chrome extension that aims to simplify customizing the web, making it more accessible and adaptable. It puts you in control of the web's presentation, allowing you to quickly change the appearance of any page.
Install it here for your chrome. Then open a new website you like, launch Stylebot by click "CSS" in address Bar or use shortcut "Alt+M". Select an element and customizine it to the way you like and apply styles to it. Isn't easy to use?


YouTube Lights Out Script for Firefox and Chrome

Want to turn the lights out for watching YouTube videos? You would like the Script I recommend today.
After your browser installed the YouTube "Lights Out" script and then restarted, you will see a bulb icon next to Subscribe.

 When you click it, your browser's background would be a little black, click twice, totally black.

 If you use opera, you can try this script(this script could works on firefox & chrome too).
For the installation tips, you can view the YouTube Download Script post.


YouTube Video Download Script for Firefox, Opera & Chrome

By using this script make YouTube for all download formats, from iPod compatible MP4s to high definition 1080p.

The script is compatible with Greasemonkey, Opera, Chrome.
 After install this script, you'll see the new "Download" menu (next to <Embed>).

Visit this site http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/62634 to install the script.

Tips for browser
  •  Chrome just need click the "install" button, then it will be installed automaticly
  • Firefox need intsall Greasemonkey first and do the thing like Chrome 
  • Opera need install  USJ Manager and the click "install" or download the script and put it into the floder you use scripts