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A family of Unix-like operating systems using the Linux kernel. If your question is about a certain distribution only, use a more specific tag.

1 vote

why linux says cannot stat

subdir1 either is empty, or a broken symlink or doesn't exist or there are no files in it with dots in their names.
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
0 votes

Is there Linux command to remember directories?

It would be easy to write a function that would use dialog or whiptail along with pushdir and popdir to do what you're asking.
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
0 votes

Remove/Disable USB Host controller driver

You should be able to add a line similar to the following to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf: blacklist your-mod-name and remove it from the currently running system: modprobe -r your-mod-name
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
3 votes

UPS compatible with Linux box?

Use a UPS which will sustain the power to the system and drives, send a signal to a daemon on the system when power is interrupted and protect them from surges during "normal" power operation. See Th …
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
1 vote

application to make shell typing easier?

You may prefer setting the completion type to "menu-complete". In your ~/.inputrc file you can add a line that says "\C-i": menu-complete or at a Bash prompt, enter bind '"\C-i":menu-complete', then e …
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
2 votes

Find files that have been accessed after they were created

This should work: find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I % find -path % -anewer %
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
2 votes

Set system clock in Unix to millisecond precision

You should use ntpd which will keep your system accurate by syncing with time servers using NTP (Network Time Protocol).
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
1 vote

linux + find mechanism with Irregular Expression (find command) or perl

This will print the full line that contains something that resembles an IP address. It doesn't check to see if its octets are in the range 0-255. grep -Er '\<([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\>' /* to on …
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
2 votes

LINUX Code for renaming files with prefix in subfolders

Using Bash: for f in /path/to/* do dir="${f%/*}" echo mv "$f" "$dir/PRE_${f/$a\/}" done All on one line: for f in /path/to/*; do dir="${f%/*}"; echo mv "$f" "$dir/PRE_${f/$a\/}"; done
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
2 votes

replacing dot in string, but leaving last one

Give this a try: echo '' | sed 's/\(.*\)\.\([^.]*\)$/\1\n\2/;s/\./-/g;s/\n/./g'
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
24 votes

GNU sort by case-sensitive

Interestingly, yet another sort order is available like this: echo -e "c\nb\nB\na" | LC_COLLATE=C sort --ignore-case which puts the uppercase letter before its corresponding lowercase letter. Here …
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
0 votes

How can I setup a group writeable directory?

You need to set the setgid bit on the directory. chmod g+s html
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
36 votes

Move folder contents into parent folder - Linux Commandline

$ cd /path/to/folderA $ mv folderB/* . $ rmdir folderB
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
5 votes

How to know the level of a symlink in linux?

This recursive Bash function will print the link chain and count plus the diagnostic: chain() { local link target; if [[ -z $_chain ]]; then unset _chain_count _expansion; _chain="$1"; fi; link=$(sta …
Dennis Williamson's user avatar
0 votes

how to navigate directories with heaps of files

You can use head: ls -l | head
Dennis Williamson's user avatar

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