2023-2024 Grant Cycle

Assessing the Impact of PFAS on Mucosal Barrier Function in the Context of Air Pollution

  • Katharina Ribbeck, Biological Engineering 
  • Jose Tomas Egana, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile 

Carbon-Cement Supercapacitor for Energy Independence in Palestine

  • Franz-Josepf Ulm, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  • Khalid Eid, Birzeit University 

Community-driven Approaches to Boost Health-related Messaging Interventions

  • Adam Berinsky, Mitsui Professor of Political Science and Director of the MIT Political Experiments Research Lab (PERL), Political Science 
  • Antonio Alonso Arechar, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economic (CIDE)

Constructs for Delivering Graphics and STEM to Visually-Impaired Children

  • Sharon Gilad-Gutnick, Staff Research Scientist, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Monica Gori, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Effect of Informal Labor Supply on Firms and Productivity

  • Mert Demirer, Assistant Professor, Management 
  • Kamil Yilmaz, Koc University 

Fasting and Intestinal Regeneration: Insights from Human Samples

  • Omer H. Yilmaz, MD, PhD, Biology 
  • Gizem Calibasi-Kocal, Institute of Oncology, Dokuz Eylul University 

Learning from the Estonia Phenol Bioremediation of 1989

  • Christopher Voigt, Daniel I.C. Wang Professor, Biological Engineering 
  • Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, Tallinn University of Technology 

Modular & Recycled: 3D printed glass components for circular construction  

  • Kaitlyn Becker, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Faidra Oikonomopoulou, Delft University of Technology 

Rapidly Deployable Critical Infrastructures for Emergency Response in Urban Areas Under Climate Change Scenarios

  • Fabio Duarte, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Alberto Martinetti, University of Twente 

Robust Trajectory Estimation in Indian Traffic Conditions for Improved Traffic Safety

  • Gabriela Schlau-Cohen, Professor, Chemistry 
  • Niek van Hulst, ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences

Ultrafast thermal transients in fusion structural materials

  • Michael Short, Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering 
  • Tomas Martin, University of Bristol 

Understanding nanoparticle-induced changes in membrane permeability

  • Qin (Maggie) Qi, James Mares 24 Career Development Chair Professor, Chemical Engineering 
  • Katherine Elvira, University of Victoria 

Uranus Magnetometer

  • Benjamin Weiss, Professor of Planetary Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 
  • Jose Merayo, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Venus Atmosphere

  • Sara Seager, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 
  • Nathan Mayne, University of Exeter 

A bespoke comprehensive language learning interaction partner

  • Takako Aikawa, Senior Lecturer, Global Studies and Languages 
  • Ryan Lege, Kanda University of International Studies 

Accelerating the US-Japan Event Horizon Explorer Mission Development

  • Kazunori Akiyama, Research Scientist, Physics 
  • Kotaro Niinuma, Yamaguchi University 

Cell mechanosensing through matrix nonlinear elasticity in 3D

  • Ming Guo, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Tohru Yagi, Tokyo Institute of Technology 

Monitoring Technologies and Data Science for Environmental Resilience

  • Haruko Wainwright, Mitsui Career Development Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering 
  • Yuichi Onda, Tsukuba University 

Unraveling the complex magnetic records of seafloor hydrothermal systems

  • Ben Weiss, Professor of Planetary Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Shun Chiyonobu, Akita University 

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Two-Dimensional Materials

  • Jing King, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Kung Hsuan Lin, Academia Sinica 

Flow-Induced Structures in Liquid Crystals

  • Irmgard Bischofberger, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Rui Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 

Understanding crustal weathering at the eve of Earth’s Great Oxidation 

  • Gareth Izon, Research Scientist, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 
  • Aiguo Dong, China University of Geoscience, Beijing 

Climate change on infection-triggered anemia

  • Jacquin Niles, Whittaker Professor, Biological Engineering
  • Raffaella Gozzelino, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal - Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde

Developing a plan for implementing Project Prakash in Africa

  • Pawan Sinha, Professor of Vision and Computational Neuroscience, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Salome Maswime, University of Cape Town 

Investigating the irradiation stability of indigenous carbonitriding agent

  • Ericmoore Jossou, Nuclear Science and Engineering 
  • Tabiri Asumadi, Sunyani Technical University 

Low-Cost Vaulted Earthen Masonry Floor Systems 

  • John Ochsendorf, Class of 1942 Professor; Professor of Architecture; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; MacVicar Faculty Fellow, Architecture 
  • Asgedom Haile, Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development 


  • Noah Nathan, Associate Professor of Political Science, Political Science

Reconstructing the History of Madagascar’s Climate and Ecosystems

  • David McGee, Earth Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Lydia Rahantarisoa, University of Antananarivo 

Amazonia Datathon

  • Leo Anthony Celi, Clinical Research Director of the Laboratory of Computation Physiology, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Leonardo Augusto Lobarto Bello, Universidade da Amazonia 

Amazonian Urban Futures: Belém do Pará

  • Kent Larson, Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Roberta Menezes Rodrigues, Federal University of Para - UFPA 

Intensifying the Bioeconomy Through New Sustainble Products

  • Bradley Olsen, Alexander and I. Michael Kasser Professor, Chemical Engineering 
  • Adalberto Val, INPA

Brain Drain: The Consequences of High-Skilled Emigration from Armenia

  • Christopher Palmer, Associate Professor of Finance and Albert and Jeanne Clear Career Development Professor, Management 
  • Grigor Hayrapetyan, Yerevan State University 

Yekaterine Bakhturian: The Forgotten Writer & Dramaturge from Artsakh

  • Lerna Ekmekcioglu, MsMillian-Stewart Associate Prof of History and Director of Women's and Gender Studies Program 
  • Hayarpi Papikyan, American University of Armenia 

KU Leuven Seed Fund

Designing a framework for identifying damage and quantifying uncertainty in floating offshore wind turbines under extreme ocean conditions using deep learning and Bayesian statistics

  • Themistoklis, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering 
  • Dimitrios Chronopoulos, KU Leuven

Quantum Collisions in Space: A MIT-KU Leuven Astrochemical Endeavor

  • Brett McGuire, Chemistry 
  • Jerome Loreau, KU Leuven

Techno-Economic Optimization of Thermochemical Conversion for Renewable Fuel and Heat Supply

  • Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Ronald C. Crane ('72) professor of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Dominik Bongartz, KU Leuven

Translating Materials to Membranes with Advanced Testing and Manufacturing

  • Zachary Smith, Robert N. Noyce Career Development Chair, Chemical Engineering 
  • Ivo Vankelecom, KU Leuven

UCLouvain Seed Fund

Tides in the oceans of icy satellites and their impacts on tracer transport

  • Wanying Kang, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Veronique Dehant

Using New Ideas in AI to Reveal the Fundamental Forces In Our Universe

  • Philip Harris, Physics 
  • Anna Benecke, UC Louvain

AI Applications for Understanding Planet Formation Dynamics

  • Richard Teague, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 
  • Sebastian Perez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile 

MIT-Colombia Universidad Nacional Seed Fund

Detection of tax non-compliance in Colombia – A STEALTH application 

  • Una-May O'Reilly, Electrical Engineering 
  • Jairo Orlando Villabona Robayo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia 

Exploring basic nuclear and particle physics phenomena and properties with atoms and molecules using laser spectroscopy

  • Ronald Garcia, Physics 
  • Diego Torres, Universidad Nacional de Colombia 


Control Systems for Digital Materials

  • Neil Gershenfeld, Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Jiri Zemanek, Czech Technical University in Prague 

Development of Additively-Manufactured Electron Sources

  • Luis Velasquez, Principal Research Scientist, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Alexandr Knapek, Institute of Scientific Instruments of Czech Academy of Sciences 

The design and synthesis of highly active metallosilicate microspheres for olefin metathesis 

  • Yuriy Roman, Professor, Chemical Engineering 
  • David Skoda, Tomas Bata University in Zlin

Understanding crystallization with ML-powered simulations

  • Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Jeffrey Cheah Associate Professor of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering 
  • Lukas Grajciar, Charles University 

AI x Geopolymers Design

  • Marcelo Coelho, Director, Architecture 
  • Francois Brument, Saint Etienne University 

Exciton Fine Structure in Halide Perovskite Nanomaterials

  • William Tisdale, Warren K. Lewis Professor, Chemical Engineering 
  • Paulina Plochocka, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 

Extreme Low Loss Optical Coating

  • Slawek Gras, Physics
  • Jerome Degalliz, CNRS

The genomic basis of environmental adaptation in jellyfish

  • Brandon Weissbourd, Biology
  • Tsuyoshi Momose, UMR7009 LBDV CNRS

The MIT-Lille Astrochemical Spectroscopy Collaboration

  • Brett McGuire, Class of 1943 Career Development Assistant Professor, Chemistry 
  • Laurent Margules, University of Lille 

The neural basis of time as a fundamental feature of experience

  • Mehrdad Jazayeri, Brain and Cognitive Sciences 
  • Brice Bathellier, Institut Pasteur 

Unlocking the Full Power of Cosmological Observations to Probe Dark Matter 

  • Tracy Slatyer, Professor of Physics, Physics
  • Vivian Poulin, CNRS 

MIT-Germany - University of Regensburg Seed Fund 

Algebraic Methods in Fine-Grained Algorithms 

  • Virginia Vassilevska Williams, PhD, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Cornelius Brand, University of Regensburg 

MIT-Germany - University of Stuttgart Seed Fund

Integrating Physical Models and Neural Networks for Monitoring and Control

  • Chuchu Fan, Ph.D., Aeronautics and Astronautics 
  • Andreas Wagner, University of Stuttgart 

MIT-Germany Lockheed Martin Seed Fund 

Advanced Manufacturing using Optics-based and Spectroscopic On-line Sensor Analytics

  • Richard Braatz, Edwin R. Gilliland Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering 
  • Rolf Findeisen, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Greener cities are resilient cities - using AI to map urban greenery and its attributes

  • Romano Giuseppe, Research Scientist, School of Engineering 
  • Benjamin Seibel, TS Berlin

Inverse-designed Nanostructures for Tailored Heat Flow

  • Fabio Duarte, Urban Studies and Planning 
  • Gordon Callsen, University of Bremen  

Integrating Geochemistry and Engineering for Mineralization Carbon Capture

  • Rohit Karnik, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Indra Sen, IIT Kanpur

Playing for Climate: Nudging Players towards Pro-environmental Behavior

  • Eric Klopfer, Comparative Media Studies/Writing 
  • Koumudi Patil, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 

Repurposing coal fired power plants in India: Exploring the best socio-technical interventions

  • Robert Stoner, Director, MIT Energy Initiative 
  • Pradip Swarnakar, IIT Kanpur 

Sustainability in maritime logistics

  • Alan Edelman, Professor, Mathematics
  • Vijaya Dixit, Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi

University-industry engagement: what can IIT Bombay learn from MIT?

  • Jason Jackson, Associate Professor of Political Economy and Urban Planning, Urban Studies and Planning 
  • Anush Kapadia, IIT Bombay 

Co-development of a Robotic Manipulation Platform with Tactile Sensing

  • Sangbae Kim, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Adam Spiers, Imperial College London

Embedding Artificial Intelligence on chips to see Dark Matter

  • Philip Harris, Physics
  • Alexander Tapper, Imperial College London

Multi-sensory Thermo-Tactile Displays for Medical Simulation

  • Lynette Jones, Mecahnical Engineering 
  • Fernando Bello, Imperial College London

Pre-patterned Freestanding Single-crystalline Lithium Niobate Photonic Components for Advanced Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits for etch-free integration process

  • Jeehwan Kim, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Myungshik Kim, Imperial College London

User-Driven Experiments for Sustainable Lunar Mining Architectures

  • Richard de Neufville, Professor of Engineering, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDS)
  • Michel-Alexandre, Imperial College London

Zooming in to the Inner Disk: Unveiling Terrestrial Planet Formation

  • Richard Teague, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • James Owen, Imperial College London

MIT-Israel Broshy Brain and Cognitive Sciences Fund


  • Brian Anthony, Principal Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering
  • Dan Raviv, Tel-Aviv University

Light-activated biohybrid actuator inspired by the human iris musculature 

  • Ritu Raman, d'Arbeloff Career Development Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Ayelet Lesman, Tel-Aviv University 

MIT-Israel Lockheed Martin Seed Fund

Harnessing architectured lattices for tailorable mechanical damping in aerospace systems

  • Zachary Cordero, Edgerton Career Development Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Pavel Galich, Technion Israel Institute of Technology

Improving microbial electrochemical technologies with bio-derived materials

  • Ariel Furst, Cook Career Development Professor, Chemical Engineering 
  • Nurit Ashkenasy, Ben Gurion University of the Negev 

MIT-Israel Zuckerman STEM Fund

Bridging AI and Language Processing in the Brain

  • Roger Levy, Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Yevgeni Berzak, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 

Convertible Debt Financing in Competitive Product Markets: The Case of Israel

  • Egor Matveyev, Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist, Management
  • Evgeny Lyandres, Tel Aviv University 

Deciphering the mRNA Design Principles and Evolutionary Origins of Bacteroidetes, The Predominant Human Gut Bacteria Phylum

  • Christopher Voigt, Department Head and Daniel IC Wang Professor, Biological Engineering 
  • Yitzhak Pilpel, Weizmann 

Emergent Quantum Phenomena in Crystalline Multilayer Graphene

  • Liang Fu, Physics
  • Erez Berg, Weizmann Institute of Science 

Fault-Tolerant Quantum Information Processing with Photons and Neutral Atoms

  • Vladan Vuletic, Lester Wolfe Professor of Physics, Physics 
  • Ido Kaminer, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 

Global Urban Tree Ecophysiology Network

  • David DesMarais, Associate Professor; Cecil and Ida Green Career Development Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  • Yotam Zait, Hebrew University 

Novel Fiber-Based Electromagnetic Calorimetry

  • Or Hen, Physics 
  • Igor Korover, Tel Aviv University 

MIT-Italy Roberto Rocca Project - Politecnico di Milano

Rational Design of Anti-Amyloidogenic Peptides

  • Benedetto Marelli, Paul M. Cook Career Development Associate Professor, Engineering 
  • Alfonso Gautieri, Politecnico di Milano

MIT-Italy Universita' di Pisa Seed Fund

Biological Growth by Optimal Principles

  • Rohan Abeyaratne, Berg Professor of Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Roberto Paroni, University of Pisa

Biologically Inspired Extracellular Matrix-like Scaffolds for Advancing In Vitro Heart Tissue Models

  • Laurie Boyer, Professor, Biology
  • Elisabetta Rosellini, University of Pisa

Exploring & Evaluating Uses of Generative Large Language Models in Design

  • Maria Yang, Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Filippo Chiarello, University of Pisa

In silico screen of small molecules reactivating the inactive X chromosome

  • Regina Barzilay, Distinguished Professor for AI and Health AI Faculty Lead, MacArthur Fellow, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Andrea Cerase, University of Pisa

Games and Socially Assistive Robots for Arabic-Speaking Learners and Refugees

  • Cynthia Breazeal, Professor and MIT Dean of Digital Learning, Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Mohammad Aljayyousi, Philadelphia University 

Innovations in Smart Fare Card Data Processing for Improving Public Transit Planning and Operations

  • Jinhua Zhao, Professor of Cities and Transportation, Urban Studies and Planning 
  • Taqwa Alhadidi, Al-Ahliyyah Amman University 

Sensor4Water Pollutants

  • Rohit Karnik, Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Ramia Albakain, The University of Jordan 

Danish and French Theater, 1700-1900

  • Jeff Ravel. Professor Emeritus of History, History 
  • Ulla Kallenbach, University of Bergen 

UiB-MIT Interdisciplinary Climate Initiative

  • Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Kerry Chance, University of Bergen 


Constrained geometries of ferronematic liquid crystals emulsions in polymers for sensors and SMART energy saving windows 

  • Timothy Swager, Josh D. MacArthur Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry
  • Magdalena Majewska, University of Warsaw 

Light-induced engineering of nanomaterials

  • Frances Ross, TDK Professor, Materials Science and Engineering 
  • Andrzej Zak


MIT-Spain INDITEX Circularity Seed Fund

Auditory Footprints.  Sensor technologies and machine learning for sound-based water and energy waste optimization in industrial textile process.

  • Fabio Duarte, Urban Studies and Planning 
  • Sara Lenzi, Universidad de Deusto

Chemical Deconstruction of Plastic Waste

  • Yuriy Roman, Robert T. Haslam (1911), Chemical Engineering 
  • Pedro Serna, ITQ

Low-level Deep Learning Integration for Enhanced RFID Performance and Sensing

  • Sanjay Sarma, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Joan Melia-Segui, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 

Metallic Lattices and Electromagnetic Fields for Plastic Waste Treatment

  • T. Alan Hatton, Ralph Landau Professor, Chemical Engineering 
  • Marta Munoz, Rey Juan Carlos University

Quantum Virtual Twin of Synthetic Fibers

  • William Oliver, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Javier Cerrillo, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena 

MIT-Spain Universidad de Alcalá Seed Fund

Using language models and chatbots for building virtual assistants in MOOCs

  • Christopher Capozzola, Senior Associate of Digital Learning, Professor, History 
  • Eva Garcia-Lopez, University of Alcala 

MIT-Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Seed Fund

Artificial Intelligence to support Astrodynamics

  • Richard Linares, Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Victor Rodriguez-Fernandez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

ASCENT: Aerospace Schools Collaboration for Entrepreneurship and New Teaching methodologies

  • Mercedes Balcells-Camps, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Javier Cubas Cano, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Liquid Metal Methane Pyrolysis for CO2 Free Hydrogen Production

  • Henry Asegun, PhD, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Luis F. Gonzalez-Portillo, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Modeling Supershear Earthquakes to Forecast Induced Seismicity Hazard

  • Ruben Juanes, Director, Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  • Luis Cuerto-Felgueroso, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Monitoring corrosion due to carbonation in concrete using graphene sensors

  • Tomas Palacios, Director, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Cristina Alia Garcia, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Intelligent multimodal adjustments for therapeutic serious games

  • Marzyeh Ghassemi, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Martine Eckert, Politecnica de Madrid

AI in Aggregate Confusion: Interpretability for Accountability

  • Armando Solar-Lezama, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Julian Kolbel, University of St. Gallen 

Heterogeneous Aerial Robotic Swarms for Ecological Monitoring

  • Yufeng Chen, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Kovac Mirko, Swiss Fed. Laboratories for Material Science and Technology 

Monitoring and Predicting Transit Network Crowding - International Lessons

  • Anson Stewart, Deputy Director, JTL-Transit Lab, Urban Studies and Planning 
  • Francesco Corman, ETH Zurich

Neutron optics for nanomaterial and advanced manufacturing applications

  • Boris Khaykovich, Engineering 
  • Markus Strobl, Paul Scherrer Institut 

2022-2023 Grant Cycle

Rethinking State Capacity in Urban Planning

  • Bish Sanyal, Ford International Professor of Urban Development and Planning; Director of the Special Program in Urban and Regional Studies, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Yamini Aiyar, Centre for Policy Research

New NMR Tools to Interrogate Photochemical Reactions

  • Alison Wendlandt, Chemistry
  • Paul White, Radboud University

Re-Framing Asian Migration and Diasporas

  • Emma Teng, Professor, History
  • Rachel Leow, University of Cambridge

MIT x Smart Living Lab

  • Joseph Paradiso, Alexander W. Dreyfoos (1954) Professor; Associate Academic Head, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
  • Denis Lalanne, University of Freiburg

Mapping out the Dark Matter in Hydrodynamic Simulations

  • Lina Necib, Physics
  • Justin Read, University of Surrey

Synchrotron-based infrared spectroscopy of moire quantum matter

  • Long Ju, Assistant Professor, Physics
  • Yasin Ekinci, Paul Scherrer Institute

Continuous Directed Evolution of RuBisCo to Improve Photosynthesis

  • Matthew Shoulders, Professor, Chemistry
  • Spencer Whitney, Australia National University

Design, manufacture, and characterization of auxetic stents capable of growing with the patient

  • Mercedes Balcells-Camps, Principal Reseach Scientist, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Marta Pegueroles, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Big Data Mapping and Correlation of Environmental Containments as Monitored by Biological and Human Isotopic Uptake (Toenails for Citizen Science)

  • Michael Short, Associate Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Akmal Safarov, Samarkand State Univeristy

Robust Trajectory Estimation in Indian Traffic Conditions for Improved Traffic Safety

  • Dr. Paolo Santi, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Punit Rathore, Indian Institute of Science

Crowdsourcing Sustainable Cultural Heritage along Silk Roads in Turkey

  • Takehiko Nagakura, Associate Professor of Design and Computation, Architecture
  • Guzden Varinlioglu, University of Oxford

Digitizing and Archiving the Murals of Mexico's Rural Normal Schools

  • Tanalis Padilla, Professor of History
  • Irma Erendira Sandoval Ballesteros, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Co-Design of Renewable Energy Electric Buses in Chile

  • Timothy Gutowski, PhD, Mechanical Engineering
  • Jorge Ramos, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Fast and Reliable Risk-Aware Large-Scale Multi-agent Motion Planning

  • Chuchu Fan, Wilson Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Kai Cai, Osaka Metropolitan University

Prediction of Complex Structures in High Void Fraction Flows by the VOF Method

  • Emilio Baglietto, Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Marco Pellegrini, The University of Tokyo

mRNA without a leader: defining the mechanism of translation

  • Gene-Wei Li, Biology
  • Jin-Der Wen, National Taiwan University

Nonreciprocal topological materials

  • Liang Fu, Physics
  • Hsin Lin, Academia Sinica

KU Leuven Seed Fund

Safe and Fast Motion Planning and Control for Autonomous Urban Boats using Model Predictive Control

  • Daniela Rus, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Jan Swevers, KU Leuven

Understanding flow boiling enhancement via surface functionalization

  • Matteo Bucci, Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Maria Rosaria Vetrano, KU Leuven

UCLouvain Seed Fund

A 3D High-Order Multi-Resolution Eliptic Solver for Complex Domains

  • Wim Van Rees, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Philippe Chatelain, UC Louvain

Innovasion: Innovations for creating value from invasive species

  • Amy Smith, Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
  • Kenneth Donkor, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Anti-Gentrification Planning in Post-Industrial Woodstock, Cape Town, SA

  • Brent Ryan, Associate Professor of Urban Design and Public Policy, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Masilonyane Mokhele, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Participatory Design of Solutions to Address Solid Waste and Energy Challenges in Uganda

  • Daniel Sweeney, Research Scientist, Lecturer
  • Michael Lubwama, Makerere University

Direct Recycling of Battery Electrode Materials in Rwanda

  • Aristride Gumyusenge, Merton C. Flemings Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Leandre Berwa, Second Life Storage (SLS) Energy

Strenghten MIT-Sudan research cooperation on climate change and agriculture

  • Elfatih Eltahir, H.M. King Bhumibol Professor of Hydrology and Climate, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Abdelmoneim Taha Ahmed, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC)

Monitoring the Injured Brain in Resource-Limited Settings

  • Thomas Heldt, Associate Professor of Electrical & Biological Engineering
  • Anthony Figaji, University of Cape Town

MIT-Colombia Cali Seed Fund

Applying single-cell genomics to understand the pathogenesis of the yeast Malassezia in skin keratinocytes

  • Alexander Shalek PhD, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Adriana Celi, Universidad de los Andes

ICU Secondary Health Records Analysis using AI and ML Techniques

  • Leo Anthony Celi MPH, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Andres Navarro, Universidad Icesi

MIT-Colombia Universidad Nacional Seed Fund

Land Use Regulation Index Colombia

  • Albert Saiz, Daniel Rose Associate Professor of Urban Economics and Real Estate, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Jonathan Malagon, National University of Colombia

Reversing the Misrepresentation of the Cross-Border Region of the Amazon: Socio-environmental Integration of the Border between the Andean Amazon and the Brazilian Amazon

  • Lawrence Vale, Associate Dean and Ford Professor of Urban Design and Planning, School of Architecture and Planning
  • Carlos Gilberto Zarate Botia, National University of Colombia

Mujeres Mineras Unidas por Colombia

  • Libby McDonald, Lecturer & Inclusive Economies Lead
  • Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellin

Microbial Ecology and Evolution to Advance Colombian Agricultural Systems

  • Otto X Cordero, PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering (Course 1)
  • Alejandro Caro Quintero, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

FNS Gamma: Establishing cooperation in the field of fast neutron spectrometry in mixed fields of neutron and gamma radiation

  • Benoit Forget, PhD, Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Zdenek Matej, Masaryk University

Metabolic adaptation to aspartate synthesis deficiency in cancer

  • Matthew Vander Heiden, Director, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research Lester Wolfe (1919) Professor of Molecular Biology Professor of Biology
  • Katerina Rohlenova, Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Electron Diffraction for Metal Organic Frameworks

  • Peter Mueller, Chemistry
  • Lukas Palatinus, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Interaction of ionizing radiation with shielding and cladding materials with engineered strain distributions and phonon spectra

  • Svetlana Boriskina, Principal Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering
  • Lembit Sihver, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Acadeny of Sciences (CAS)

Elucidating ion exchange, chemistry and function of Li anode interfaces

  • Betar Gallant, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Michael Deschamps, CNRS, University of Orleans

Experimental Study of the Structure of a Radiative Shock Under a Magnetic Constraint

  • Chikang Li, Senior Research Scientist
  • Michel Koenig, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS

Aluminosilicate materials (zeolites and geopolymers) and sludge fluids: from gel to solid state

  • Gareth McKinley, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Arnaud Poulesquen, CEA

Supporting fundamental quantum calculation to enable the atmospheric study of extra-solar planets.

  • Julien de Wit, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Laurent Wiesenfeld, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France)

High-dimensional bacterial mixtures

  • Julien Tailleur, Professor, Physics
  • Ada Altieri, Universite Paris Cite

Complex biofluid suspensions: new methods in localized interrogation

  • Lydia Bourouiba
  • Elisabeth Guazzelli, Univeristy of Paris

Biologically inspired vision models: the role of central and peripheral vision, plausibility, and robustness

  • Tomaso Poggio, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Dario Zanca, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg

Cryptographic Verification of Quantum Computation

  • Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Giulio Malavolta, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy

Directional Recrystallization Processing of 3D Printed Superalloys

  • Zachary Cordero, Boeing Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Eric Jagle, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen

Minimally-Invasive Optical Biosensor for Detecting UV-Induced Skin Cancer

  • Dr. Giovanni Traverso, Mechanical Engineering
  • Ali Yetisen, Imperial College London

Sustainable structural beam framework for a net-zero future (SustainBeam)

  • Joesephine Voigt Carstensen, Gilbert W. Winslow Career Development Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Craig Buchanan, Imperial College London

Global Tracker of Climate Change and Mental Health: Building Robust Indicators and Pathways from Interdisciplinary Knowledge

  • Siqi Zheng, STL Champion Professor of Urban and Real Estate Sustainability, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Emma Lawrence, Imperial College London

Accelerating the Transition to Circular Economy Futures

  • Thomas W Malone, Patrick J McGovern Professor, Management
  • Erkko Autio, Imperial College London

Thermomechanical testing of additively manufactured ODS superalloys

  • Zachary Cordero, Boeing Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Samuel Humphry-Baker, Imperial College London

MIT-Israel Broshy Brain and Cognitive Sciences Fund

In Situ and Continuous Monitoring of Metabolites in Organ-on-Chip Micro-Systems

  • Joel Voldman, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Hadar Ben-Yoav, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Causal inference in medical records for drug repurposing towards dementia - Federated learning from patient data in Israel and the US

  • Dr. Leo Anthony Celi, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Bella Vakulenko-Lagun, Haifa University

MIT-Israel Lockheed Martin Seed Fund

Developing Sustainable and 3D-Printable Thermoplastic Protein-Based Materials

  • Admir Masic, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Noy Cohen, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

MIT-Israel Zuckerman STEM Fund

Solidarity in Fractured Times: Theory, Empirics, and Law

  • Andrea Campbell, Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor of Political Science
  • Rachel Friedman, Tel Aviv University

MicroISRAEL-2050: Multi-Layer Explorations of Israel's Urban Microclimates

  • Kent Larson, Principal Research, Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Jonathan Natanian, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Semantic Imaging: Merging Computational Imaging and Neural Fields to Advance 3D Scene Understanding

  • Ramesh Raskar, Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Or Litany, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Analyzing the Resilience of the Food System in Israel

  • Retsef Levi, Professor of Operations Management, School of Management
  • Nir Ohad, Tel Aviv University

Learning-augmented algorithms for motif-counting

  • Ronitt Rubinfeld, Edwin Sibley Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Talya Eden, Bar Ilan University

Additive manufacturing of mesoporous hierarchical materials for atmospheric water harvesting

  • Svetlana Boriskina, Principal Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering
  • Shlomo Magdassi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

MIT-Italy Friuli Venezia Guilia Seed Fund

Advanced computations anD experiments on boiling heAt transfer (AIDA)

  • Professor Matteo Bucci, Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Alfredo Soldati, University of Udine

Revealing and exploiting quantumness via quasiprobabilities: from quantum thermodynamics to quantum sensing

  • Seth Lloyd, Mechanical Engineering
  • Stefano Gherardini, CNR-INO

MIT-Italy Roberto Rocca Project - Politecnico di Milano

AMBItiOuS – Additive Manufacturing for BIOlogy and life Sciences

  • Professor Anastasios John Hart, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bianca Maria Colosimo, Politecnico di Milano

I_AMSPACE – In-situ Additive Manufacturing for SPACE

  • Professor Cem Tasan, Materials Science and Engineering
  • Marco Grasso, Politecnico di Milano

MIT-Italy Universita' di Pisa Seed Fund

Improving estimates of seismic risk associated with geothermal energy exploitation operations

  • Dr .Camilla Cattania, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Francesco Grigoli, University of Pisa

Quantum Structures and Enumerative Geometry

  • Davesh Maulik, Mathematics
  • Andrea Maffei, University of Pisa

sMall-caliber vAscular Grafts in pulsed-flow microfuidiCs (MAGIC)

  • Gareth McKinley, Professor of Teaching Innovation, Mechanical Engineering
  • Mario Milazzo, University of Pisa

Partially ordered soft systems: from prediction to application

  • Dr. Giuseppe Romano
  • Valentina Domenici, University of Pisa

Sustainable deoxygenation

  • Alex Radosevich, Chemistry
  • Jesus Lujan Montelongo, Cinvestav - Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados

Engineering the plant-microbiome interactions for drought resistance in the Middle East

  • Christopher Voigt, Daniel IC Wang Professor, Biological Engineering
  • Ali El-Keblawi, University of Sharjah

Active Ankle Foot Exoskeleton: Towards Gait Assistance for Stroke Patients

  • Hermano Krebs, PhD, Mechanical Engineering
  • Kinda Khalaf, Khalifa University

A Materials Approach for Removing Emerging Pollutants in Wastewater Treatment Systems (Water4Reuse)

  • Mircea Dinca, W. M. Keck Professor of Energy, Chemistry
  • Kyle Cordova, Royal Scientific Society

Frontiers in soudAI. Sensor technologies and machine learning for sound-based activity inference.

  • Prof. Fabio Duarte, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Sara Lenzi, Techinische Universitat Delft (TU Delft)

Unlocking mechanical limitations of synthetic heart stents with auxetic, silk-based fiber tubular scaffold "BioSTENT"

  • Professor Markus Buehler, Mechanical Engineering
  • Miguel Castilho, Eindhoven University of Technology

An autonomous Swarm of Miniaturized Robots for Surface Inspection Applications

  • Stefanie Mueller, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Bahar Haghighat, University of Groningen


  • Ju Li, Battelle Energy Alliance Professor in Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Stefanos Papanikolaou, National Centre for Nuclear Research

Hierarchically Porous Hybrid Metal/2D Metal-Organic Framework Films

  • Professor Mircea Dinca, Chemistry
  • Michal Borysiewicz, Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics

Straintronic engineering of self-powered flexoelectronic photodetectors

  • Svetlana Boriskina, Principal Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering
  • Andrzej Suchocki, Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IP PAS)

Uncertainty-Aware Artificial Intelligence for Detection of Brain and Eye Diseases

  • Emery Brown, Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and of Computational Neuroscience, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Gabriela Czanner, Slovak University of Technology

Inertial Focusing Microfluidics for High-Throughput Sorting of Cell Clusters and Circulating Tumor Cells

  • Professor Ming Dao, Materials Science and Engineering
  • Ivan Cimrak, University of Zilina (UNIZA), Slovakia

Advanced Physiological Estimation of Cognitive States in Neurorehabilitation Tasks using Brain-Computer Interfaces and Head-Mounted Displays (BCI-HMD) for Environment Modification

  • Professor Pattie Maes, Media Arts and Sciences
  • Roman Rosipal, Institute of Measurement Science

MIT-Spain INDITEX Circulrity Seed Fund

Spectroscopy study of correlated 2D materials

  • Dr. Long Ju, Physics
  • Elena Bascones, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid

Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Advanced RF Components via Additive Manufacturing

  • Luis Velasquez-Garcia, Principal Research Scientist, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Jose Maria Lopez-Villegas, University of Barcelona

MIT-Spain Universidad de Alcalá Seed Fund

Social Norms as Potential Barriers to Policy Adoption

  • David Rand, Management
  • Olga Canto, Universidad de Alcala

Using Natural Language Processing to create automatic personalized feedback in Teacher Simulations

  • Dr. Justin Reich, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
  • Antonio Garcia-Cabot, University of Alcala

MIT-Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Seed Fund

Mapping the multidimensional polarization and segregation in US urban areas

  • Prof. Alex Pentland, Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Rosa Maria Benito, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

System Architecture of Leo Satellite Constellations

  • Edward Crawley, Ford Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Ramon Martinez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Moment-Sum-of-Squares Techniques for Quantum Control

  • Professor Alan Edelman, Mathematics
  • Christoph Bruder, University of Basel

Absolute Control of the Orientation of Single-Photon Emitters in mm-sized 2D Patterns using DNA Origami

  • Professor Ashwin Gopinath, Mechanical Engineering
  • Guillermo Acuna, University of Fribourg

Nano-Architected Inorganic Functional Materials for Extreme Environments

  • Carlos Portela, d'Arbeloff Career Development Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Daryl Yee, Ecole Polytechnique Federake de Lausanne

Optimal control for quantum computers

  • Paola Cappellaro, Ford Professor of Engineering and Professor of Physics, Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Wenchao Xu, ETH Zurich

2021-2022 Grant Cycle

Disaster Response Optimization Using Aerial Assets

  • Hamsa Balakrishnan, Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Adriana Andreeva-Mori, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Toward the holistic digital touch experience: Revealing spatio-temporal processing for multisensory feedback in cutaneous displays    

  • Lynette Jones, Senior Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Hsin-Ni Ho, Kyushu University

Planning for Aging Societies via Smart Shrinkage in the US and Japan

  • Brent Ryan, Head of the City Design and Development Group, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Takefumi Kurose, Kyushu University

Low-cost sensing for air quality, heat, and noise in the city. Exploring quantitative methods and citizen engagement strategies towards exposure estimation and mitigation.

  • Paolo Santi, Principal Research Scientist, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Yuji Yoshimura, University of Tokyo

New nanotechnologies for solar fuels production

  • Moungi Bawendi, Lester Wolfe Professor in Chemistry, Chemistry
  • Francesca Freyria, Politecnico di Torino

Controlling and imaging chirality and topology in magnetic heterostructures

  • Geoffrey Beach, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
  • Gisela Schütz, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Identifying cellular regulatory pathways by integrating high-throughput screening transcriptomics and imaging using AI

  • Ernest Fraenkel, Professor, Biological Engineering
  • Peter Heutink, DZNE

Microbial Electrochemical Technologies for Pesticide Remediation

  • Ariel Furst, Raymond (1921) & Helen St. Laurent Career Development Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
  • Ola Gomaa, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority

Imaging Emergent Quantum Phenomena at Nano-meter Scales

  • Long Ju, Assistant Professor, Physics
  • David Ritchie, University of Cambridge

Graphene-heterostructured devices for integrated quantum photonics

  • Jeehwan Kim, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Dorian Gangloff, University of Oxford

Exploring Argentinian lake deposits as analogues of early Earth and Mars

  • David McGee, Associate Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Fernando Gomez, CICTERRA + Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

in silico and in vitro lung simulators for an implantable ventilator

  • Ellen Roche, W.M Keck Career Development Professor, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Daniel Hurtado, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Non-Destructive Detection of Spinodal Decomposition and Long-Term Thermal Degradation of Light Water Reactor Structural Materials using SCP/TGS Techniques

  • Michael Short, Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Ayman Abughazal, Jordan Atomic Energy Commission

Early human arrivals to Greenland

  • Roger Summons, Schlumberger Professor of Geobiology, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Mikkel Pedersen, University of Copenhagen

Digging Deeper - enhancing the gravitational-wave dataset

  • Salvatore Vitale, Assistant Professor, Physics
  • Gregory Ashton, Royal Holloway, University of London

Leveraging US Damage Data to Estimate AI-Based Hurricane Damage in Korea

  • Siqi Zheng, STL Champion Professor of Urban and Real Estate Sustainability, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Hyunjoo Yang, Sogang University

Tunable Topological Physics in Two-Dimensional Material Heterostructures

  • Long Ju, Assistant Professor, Physics
  • Xiaobo Lu, Peking University

Monitoring plant drought survival strategies from space

  • Dara Entekhabi, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Gabrielle De Lannoy, KU Leuven

Development of a quantitative methodology for assessment of novel anesthetic regimens

  • Emery Brown, Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Rafael Barra, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

prediction model using machine learning for postoperative outcomes for patients with preoperative anemia undergoing major non-cardiac surgery

  • Emery Brown, Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Susana Medina Gordillo, Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali

Subduction of the Caribbean tectonic plate revealed by atypical earthquakes

  • William Frank, Assistant Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Germán Prieto, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Biodiversity, Natural Climate Solutions and Cities in Colombia

  • John Fernandez, Director MIT ESI, Architecture
  • Juan Pablo Rodriguez, Universidad de los Andes

Predicting Function of Terpene Synthases with Machine Learning

  • Regina BarzilaySchool of Engineering Distinguished Professor for AI and Health, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • TOMÁŠP LUSKAL, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Clean Energy Applications with Mixed-Matrix Membranes of 2D MOFs

  • Mircea Dinca, W. M. Keck Professor of Energy, Chemistry
  • Karel Friess, University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT) Prague

Institutional Data Shaping Digital History

  • Kurt Fendt, Senior Lecturer, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
  • Jan Vondracek, Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)


  • Aram Harrow, Associate Professor, Physics (Course 8)
  • Martin Friák, Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciences

Engineering cytokine receptor signaling for next-generation cell therapy

  • Michael Birnbaum, Associate Professor, Biological Engineering
  • Suman Mitra, OncoLille cancer Institutem CANTHER

Blending together seismology and geodesy to unravel slow slip's impact on the earthquake cycle

  • William Frank, Assistant Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Mathilde Radiguet, Université Grenoble Alpes

Wind tunnel experiments of lightning arcs

  • Carmen Guerra-Garcia, Atlantic Richfield Career Development Professor in Energy Studies, Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Rafael Sousa Martins, Office National d’Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA)

The Mechanistic Cascade of Anosognosia in Alzheimer's Disease

  • Dimitrios Pantazis, Principal Research Scientist,Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Katia Andrade, Institut de la Mémoire et de la Maladie d’Alzheimer (IM2A), Pitié-Salpêtrière’s hospital

Experimental constrains on the origin of the first continental crust

  • Matej Pec, Assistant ProfessorEarth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Anastassia,Borisova, CNRS

Unveiling a central regulatory mechanism of Nature’s most abundant enzyme

  • Matthew Shoulders, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry
  • Angela Falciatore, Sorbonne Universite

ComPunc. Comparative Punctuation

  • Kai von Fintel, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Linguistics, Linguistics and Philosophy
  • Paul Rössler, University of Regensburg

Humans in the Loop: An MIT-Fraunhofer IPA Collaboration on Collaborative Robots and Digitization

  • Amy Glasmeier, Professor of Economic Geography and Regional Planning, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Simon Schumacher, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA

Enabling the Scale-Up of Metal Additive Manufacturing by Data-Based Synthesis of Simulation and Experimentation

  • A. JohnHart, ProfessorMechanical Engineering 
  • Christoph Meier, Technical University of Munich

Autonomous docking with tumbling space junk using gecko-inspired adhesives

  • Richard Linares, Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics 
  • Mohamed Khalil Ben-Larbi, TU Berlin

Does heavy metal pollution accelerate bone ageing and fracture?

  • Markus Buehler, McAfee Professor of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Richard Abel, Imperial College London

Towards Zero-Pollution Infrastructure Through Structural Optimization

  • Josephine Carstensen, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  • Christian Malaga-Chuquitaype, Imperial College London

Energy-Efficient Carbon Capture and Chemical Separations using Porous Boron Nitride Adsorbents

  • John Lienhard, Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Water, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Camille Petit, Imperial College London

Coupling thermodynamics and AI to design durable and sustainable concrete

  • Elsa Olivetti, Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering 
  • Rupert Myers, Imperial College London

Megahertz Magnetics for High Density and Efficient IPT Receivers

  • David Perreault, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Paul Mitcheson, Imperial College Londo

Automatic 3D Design and Editing

  • Justin Solomon, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Raja Giryes, Tel Aviv University

Understanding the behavioral decision making behind chemical discoveries

  • Heather Kulik, Professor, Chemical Engineering 
  • Ori Plonsky, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Israel’s community-based healthcare, urbanization and environment as a basis for developing indicators for pandemic resiliency and planning healthy cities

  • Mariana Arcaya, Associate Professor, Urban Studies and Planning 
  • Noam Shomron, Tel Aviv University

Non-invasive Acoustic Hyperthermia and Local Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Brain Tumors

  • Natalie Artzi, Assistant Professor at BWH, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Haim Azhari, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Integrating Machine Learning Methods and Discrete Choice Models

  • Moshe Ben-Akiva, Edmund K. Turner Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Tomer Toledo, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Vibrational engineering of ferroic order in van der Waals materials

  • Nuh Gedik, Professor, Physics
  • Dominik Juraschek, Tel Aviv University

How abstract is phonology

  • Donca Steriade, Class of 1941 Professor of Linguistics, Linguistics and Philosophy 
  • Roni Katzir, Tel Aviv University

Time Reversal of Nonlinear Hamiltonians for Quantum Enhanced Metrology

  • Vladan Vuletic, Lester Wolfe Professor of Physics, Physics 
  • Michael Rosenbluh, Bar-Ilan University

GAP: image-Guided computational and experimental Analysis of fractured Patients

  • Markus Buehler, McAfee Professor of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  • Laura Maria Vergani, Politecnico di Milano

Advanced Safety Assessment of Nuclear Batteries for a Novel Paradigm of Low-Carbon Energy

  • Jacopo Buongiorno, Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering 
  • Enrico Zio, Politecnico di Milano

Learning-Symbolic Programming

  • Dimitris Bertsimas, Professor, Mathematics
  • Antonio Frangioni, Università di Pisa

Hybrid Metamaterials for Enhanced Diagnosis and dIsease Treatment

  • Luca Daniel, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Simone Genovesi, Universita di Pisa

New genetic tools to study the role of serotonin in neuropsychiatric disorders

  • Guoping Feng, Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Massimo Pasqualetti, University of Pisa

Carving spaces for energy efficient urban micro-farms using visualAI and IoT

  • Carlo Ratti, Professor, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Aldo Bischi, University of Pisa

Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Outer Space

  • Danielle Wood, Professor, Media Arts and Sciences
  • Claudia Cinelli, University of Pisa

Living Streets for Livable Cities

  • Kent Larson, Director of The City Science Group, Media Arts and Sciences 
  • Ilse Cervantes, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Crowd-AI Teams for Engineering Product Design

  • Faez Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Ioanna Lykourentzou, Utrecht University

Unlocking the Potential of Cast Glass Structures through Additive Design

  • Josephine Carstensen, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  •  Faidra Oikonomopoulou, TU Delft

Digital Systems Engineering for Networked Infrastructure Transitions

  • Olivier de Weck, Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics and Engineering SystemsAeronautics and Astronautics 
  • Maarten Bonnema, University of Twente

Metal (Oxy)Nitride Electrocatalysts for Sustainable Ammonia Production

  • Bilge Yildiz, Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering 
  • Vasileios Kyriakou, University of Groningen

Programmable biomaterials for Bioremediation in Peru using synthetic biology tools

  • Angela Belcher, Professor, Biological Engineering
  • Alberto Donayre, UTEC (Peru)

Structural oddities

  • Nikta Fakhri, Associate Professor, Physics 
  • Piotr Surówka, Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Self-Optimizing Additive Manufacturing

  • Wojciech Matusik, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Tomasz Kurzynowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Magnetic Nanocomposites for Power Conversion

  • Caroline Ross, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering 
  • Andrzej Janutka, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Labor Market Implications of Automation in the United States and the EU

  • Daron Acemoglu, Professor, Economics
  • Martin Lábaj, University of Economics in Bratislava

Wastewater monitoring – advanced source of public health information and possible approach for epidemics prediction

  • Leo Anthony Celi, Principal Research Scientist, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Tomas Mackulak, Slovak University of Technology

Improving the Lifetime of the Next Generation Solid-State Batteries

  • Ju Li, Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering 
  • Peter Siffalovic, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Novel approaches and tools for fractional-order modeling of complex multiscale materials

  • Gareth McKinley, School of Engineering Professor of Teaching Innovation, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Igor Podlubny, Technical University of Kosice

Senseable Matter

  • Andreas Merhsin, Senior Research Scientist, Media Arts and Sciences 
  • Vlasta Kubušová, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

SE(3)-Equivariant Descriptors for Structural Phase Transitions

  • Tess Smidt, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
  • Roman Martoňák, Comenius University, Bratislava

New generation of 2D-material-based sensors for wearable applications and textile integration

  • Tomas Palacios, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Fernando Calle Gomez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

High Temperature Applications for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage

  • Asegun Henry, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • Alejandro Datas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Quantification of cause-and-effect interactions in turbulent flows

  • Adrian Lozano-Duran, Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics 
  • Javier Jimenez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Cross-Cultural Innovations for Gender Equity in Public Transport

  • Anson Stewart, Research Scientist, Urban Studies and Planning
  • Ines Sanchez de Madariaga, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid