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3 votes
1 answer

Review queues on Meta?

On the Stack Overflow help center article about review queues, here, it says on the bottom: Note: These two queues do not exist on Meta sites. But there are Late Answer and First Posts review queues ...
23 votes
1 answer

Custom sections in FAQ don't work right [closed]

Stack Exchange 2.0 sites can customize their FAQ pages to fit their needs, including adding new sections. For example, Unix and Linux has a cross-posting section. The title shows up correctly in the ...
3 votes
1 answer

The illustration for the code of conduct is broken

In the illustration accompanying the code of conduct, the part with the lady in the wheelchair is broken: The fill of her top is not aligned with the outline. Also it breaks the style of the image, ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why can I not post my one post per day on UX?

I've been trying for 3 days to post one question on User Experience. Every time I try, I get the following message: You can only post 1 time each day due to the volume of spam and abuse ...
3 votes
2 answers

Help Center header seems to have gone missing

One of my fellow moderators noticed that the Help Center for our site no longer has a banner at the top linking to the Tour. A little browsing around and use of the Wayback Machine indicates that ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Invalid image example on Established User help page

On the StackOverflow page about Established User privileges, it shows 2 pictures of usercards, one of which are supposed to expand. Um... there's not really a (visible) difference is there...
6 votes
1 answer

In a help on moderators, it seems that only mods can protect questions

Moderators also have some special abilities necessary to handle those rare exceptional conditions: ... Moderators can protect questions. Protected questions only allow answers by users ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why is this answer (edited 10x) not Community Wiki?

According to the revision history it is on its 11th revision (so edited 10 times), so it ought to be Community Wiki, right? Or is the edit requirement actually "edited more than 10 times"? Note the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Help -> Asking is out of date in the help center needs to be updated with the new close reasons.
3 votes
1 answer

3 Tag Badges are mentioned on both Earned and Unearned Badges pages

On both lists Earned Badges and Unearned badges I can see 3 equal badges: Bronze Badge You must have a total score of 100 in at least 20 non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. 43.9k ...
5 votes
1 answer

Dual "How To Ask" help pages

We appear to have two different "How to Ask" help pages: They both seem to contain help for how to ask a ...
8 votes
3 answers

Please mention in the help screen that bounties require 75 rep

One user asked me how he could place a bounty on a question, and I was going to answer that he should look in the help screen. But then I noticed that the bounty help page doesn't say the minimum rep ...
4 votes
1 answer

Fix the Help Center Privileges duplication

On the Help Center are two categories: "Reputation & Privileges" and the seemingly redundant "Privileges". Both have a small entry count and were likely intended to be merged. They probably ...